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RE: A Key to Success No Matter What.... Be the Best Version of YOU. A Day at a Time. Some Thoughts from a Guy That Actually Cares. Inspired by an 1854 Published Author / Woodsman - Henry David Thoreau. E.4

in #freedom7 years ago

Walden is my jam! It's maybe my favorite book to study with my classes as an English teacher. And it's one of the best expressions of what true freedom can be in philosophy and literature. It really resonates with young people even today. Living in our natural environment opens up those doors to success and happiness that seem impossible to achieve in the artificial world. Visiting Walden Pond was a powerful experience for me personally. You can feel how the forest around it hasn't been touched since Thoreau's days and probably ever and how old the trees are. Your post reminded me of another quote by Robert Heinlein I read recently: "A slave cannot be freed, save he do it himself. Nor can you enslave a free man; the very most you can do is kill him!"

Keep up the good work!


Best replies all nite in this series edition so far in 4 weeks.

Thanks for great comments here, honestly.

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