When there's no emotion involved, it's neither easy or hard, it just IS.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #freedom7 years ago

Everyone in my life accepts 'magic money', so there's no fear to get free money for stupid reasons, and there's no limit.

I need not believe where I'm going, as I know where I am is the best place I can be.

In the game of life, self center is ONE, and being the only player, ONE can never loose.

VIDEO : Cut the grass - June 11, 2017

I get money everyday all day with no schedule and no plan doing nothing but fun, while everyone else gets paid to watch time.

Any interaction I have with a demon is gratifying, as I know there's a reward on the flip side.

After deleting every trace of my identity from digital to print, and my existence from the memories of every person I know, what's next?... Craig :)


Peace and Love God Body. Manifestation is a power which some may call magic which all of us have. Some are conscious of it, some aren't. We consciously manifest every part of our life whether we know it or not. Everything is mental, and thought is the cause of it all. Looking forward to more of your content. Peace

I love your outlook. To not be prisoner to societal ideals. I am also one that doesn't watch the clock, yet make an amazing living. So kudos and I always look forward to your posts!!

Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, keep doing it. @craig-grant you know what some people dream of success, while other people get up every morning and make it happen, I'm telling your story right enjoy body. by the way I use to live in Palm-Bay.

I really, really like that philosophical headline!! Another #grant-nugget :)

Regardless of all the random stuff you make videos of yourself doing you crack me up and I continue to support you.

its a great program

My mind is blown, as usual.

i used to get payed to mow the lawn too 🙄 ✌️😂

At the moment, I'm at the stage of living life with zero emotion, just understanding and accepting. I feel as if I'm just existing, but for what purpose? I know I'm not depressed as I understand what depression is and how to avoid it. But I don't feel happy one bit. To me happiness doesn't exist and will never exist, it's about perspective. I know this because the things I use to like and enjoy bore me now. So the thought of finding new things to enjoy, just seems pointless. I know when I fully understand whatever it is that makes me happy, then It goes back to understanding and then it loses the magic. Which is a good example, how shit is an illusion (magic trick) when you know how it's done? And how pointless is an illusion before, during and after it's done. Life is the same, emotion comes from not understanding something. That's why some stupid people don't think, they feel. Look at my most recent post, it literally has so much in common with this! It's either I think, therefore I am, or I feel therefore I am. Emotion and Thinking don't need each other to exist, take sociopaths, for example, all they do is think, and that's why the end up in decent jobs because emotions hold us back! Obviously, not all of them do but most sociopaths have a very realistic grasp on life. This is all in my opinion so I don't want to drag anyone else down with this post. But I do believe a lot of what keeps us going is bullshitting ourselves into believing what we want to believe as opposed to what we should believe?

words program reality, so I use them wisely, not wildly

That's a very good point, as the older I get, the more true this seems. Also our beliefs do to.

Honestly, being in the right place at the right moment makes a big difference...

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