Trapped By Your Own Life

in #freedom6 years ago


"A mouse does not know that it's been caged for quite some time. You hang the cheese on the little hook inside the cage, and it walks in; the door snaps shut; it goes, "I wonder what that noise was." But it doesn't realize because there's this nice, beautiful piece of cheese hanging from the hook. And so they nibble the cheese. And they may take a few rest breaks and have a few glasses of wine with it, and so on and so forth. They're enjoying themselves - "mmm yum yum, this cheese is really good!" And then when the cheese is gone they think, "Well, I'll be on my way now, and I'll find someplace else to be and do, and I'll find some other food," and they can't get out. The door's closed. They're trapped. They're trapped by this lure of something that was temporary pleasure - that in a way probably put them to sleep a little; you know if you eat too much you kind of drowse a little bit afterward.

That's how it is to trap people away from their true souls. You offer them something pretty, or something nourishing, or something delightful, and you get them to enter the cage. And its door snaps shut immediately, and they have no idea what's happened for a long period of time."

This is a story told by Clarissa Pinkola Estes in Intuition and the Mystical Life

Do you relate? Were you, or are you trapped by pretty things? Were you lured into a job or a life, and now you're looking around you and you don't know how to get out?

Your heart has all the answers for you. If you'll allow yourself some reflection and some quiet time, and you'll give yourself some respect by listening for your answers and then backing them up with action, you can get out of the cage.

Unlike this literal cage that the mouse is in, you can never be trapped. You are free to your core. No one and nothing can ever take that away from you but yourself with your limiting beliefs.



Image 1 Source

beng a human ain't for the faint of heart redefining spirituality.jpg

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