Dystopia today: a critical note for 'We The People'

in #freedom6 years ago

Maybe I totally misunderstand America.

But let me share my view on the issue.

Corporate America (and also the rest of the corporate world) is corrupt to the core.
American politics is even worse.

Then there are people like Julian Assange, Edward Snowden and many more who never get mentioned.

But let's keep it simple. Just take Edward Snowden, he shows America (and the rest of the world) that something is wrong, gets hunted down like an animal, ends up in Hong-Kong. Where refugees who don't have a nail to scratch their behind have to take him in to give him a safe place to stay.

And from 'We The People' he merely gets some good intentions?

What the hell is going on there. I always had the illusion that Americans where proud of their 'Land Of The Free' and provided 'A Home For The Brave'. How does that work in 2018?

Is everyone hypnotised over there?

Again, maybe I am completely missing the point. But from far away Europe it looks like Europeans are better Americans then the Americans themselves. But then again, I only can see the filtered picture that reaches Europe. So maybe there is a lot more that I never get to see. Or do Americans really think that Snowden is a bad guy?

I hope below a discussion gets started, though I'll try not to get into that discussion myself just to try and see what pops up and to get a better picture myself.

To explain my point of view, this was the latest on the issue that I got to see:

To me this really looks like this:
Refugees who hardly manage to get by, help a man to survive and stay safe.
Where the rest of 'We The People' have nothing more to offer then some good intentions.
I know there are some people who really do some great effort to help this man. But after seeing all those Hollywood movies where the so called good Americans save the day. The actual reality seems to be very bleak.


Sadly many of us are hypnotized by Hollywood and the MSM. I had to stop watching the video due to the hypnotic cat on the podium. It's a little too obvious for my taste not to mention creepy and disturbing. I personally think Edward Snowden performed an honorable and courageous act that and will be recognized as a hero as soon as the MSM loses its grip on the minds of the people. There is mass mind control in the US as well as many other nations around the world. I think there is a growing awareness of this and hope the attempts of the disinfo agents fail miserably. As for Trump I hope he continues his efforts to destroy corporate media and restores liberty to everyday people. It doesn't depend on him though. It's really up to us as individuals to decide that the government creates more problems than solutions and stop looking to these people for answers.

the cat thing is a means for the organisation to see if the video locks up / buffers when the cat stops waving then something is wrong. noting creepy about that. It is in all the 34c3 recordings. I hope this makes it less creepy .:-) Though i kinda get how it may come across a bit creepy in the china context. If someone from CCC will one day read this post i hope they take it into account.

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