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RE: LIBERTY Post of the Day! | Do not Drink the Mainstream Media / Statist Propaganda ~ They Are in Bed Together. Forget the Left/Right Farce in Politics Meant to Divide us. L/R Wings = Still on the Same Bird.

in #freedom7 years ago

IDK if you are local to the police state in Oshawastan tonite but the amount of cops out trolling the streets looking to profile people and badger them around the city from Wentworth to the OC area was worse than usual tonite, which is bad.

How many gas guzzling SUV's are out every day now, usually with just 1 officer in them, meaning they are not responding to calls of any importance where a backup officer is required.

It worsens, and none of the politicians have answered me on this issue affecting liberty and tax dollars extorted.

Media paid off about $10k/mth to look the other way reports nothing but whitewashed nonsense as usual for years.


I generally stay north of King St. and very rarely go out after dark which are two good ways to stay away from the PD.

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