PRIVACY BREACH! | Ron Paul Liberty Report Today - Google & Geek Squad: Arms Of The Deep State? ( Video - 16 mins )

in #freedom6 years ago (edited)

We've recently learned that both Google and the computer repair company Geek Squad have been deeply involved with national security agencies to conduct illegal searches of their customers' computers and to help develop surveillance technology that may well be used against its customers. What are the dangers of "private" companies hooking up with the US national security establishment and even the "deep state"?


Past / Related:

The Fed has created a mountain of problems.

Every solution (of theirs) leads to even more problems. Ron Paul talks about the what the Fed has done, how it tries to keep things going, and the inevitable economic crisis that is coming.

This private monetary elite cartel is screwing humanity and it is the same in Canada --- look up for that info.

COMER — Committee on Monetary and Economic Reform EST. 1986

Some of my recent blogs:

Thanks for reading, have a nice day.


The people that sit and never challenge or push back on such things, are the problem here.

Gov't gets away with what we let them.


And how exactly do you push back the .GOV ?

Consider the perverted incentives the payments given to the Geek Squad create. They get paid to inform the FBI if they find information about illegal materials on client’s computers.
So isn’t it feasible to assume that the GS technicians are incentivized to PLACE illegal material on client’s computers only to report them and collect money?

This is a sad development. The government and private companies keep making us feel we cannot be free in a free world.

Can google be part of the government?
So so sad.

Thanks dear sharing the post..I always see your post and follow you

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