Inside Anarchapulco 2018: #6 -- (Video - 31 mins) - U.S. Presidential Candidate Adam Kokesh & Former Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney Now Liberty Activist - at Anarchapulco 2018!!!

in #freedom6 years ago (edited)

Freedom and Liberty lovers gather yearly in Mexico for the biggest conference of its kind anywhere.

My goal is to search out some of the inside content, for / from people I do not see on Steemit and get it out there to spread the message of love and liberty and awareness.

I hope everyone enjoys this series, I am hoping to find a couple gems a day and get them up so people will have it on their radar.

I really just want to spread awareness of freedom and liberty, since for many years I have been targeted by the police state and related agencies for simply calling out government corruption, very publicly and very loudly.

Turns out they don't like that and really do use extorted tax dollars and intimidation, lies and everything else to silence those people.

People like US.


Today's Video:


Your Friend in Liberty --- Barry


My path to Liberty and Crypto is with you guys.

We are all early adopters here, if you are even close to reading this today.

Be encouraged.


Inside #Anarchapulco Series #6 - Showing some of the many many goings on since I could not be there. @adamkokesh + @cynthiamckinney video / Debate on Liberty, #Statism etc.
#Anarchapulco2018 #ACA2018 @Anarchapulco #Liberty #Freedom #CryptoCurrency

An avenue to promote Steemit, since people are gather for freedom and liberty which is what Steemit will give financially... Freedom and liberty from poverty and financial hardship

what a pitty mate! the youtube video is not available! Im sure it was really good stuff! greetings from Spain amigo!

Pull it up on youtube, click the link, usually helps if you cannot watch it inline here right inside Steemit.

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