END THE FED & COMER.org in Canada: Ron Paul Liberty Report Today - The Fed Is at a Crossroads - Crisis Coming ( Video - 22 mins )

in #freedom6 years ago

The Fed has created a mountain of problems.

Every solution (of theirs) leads to even more problems. Ron Paul talks about the what the Fed has done, how it tries to keep things going, and the inevitable economic crisis that is coming.

This private monetary elite cartel is screwing humanity and it is the same in Canada

  • ... look up www.COMER.org for that info.

COMER — Committee on Monetary and Economic Reform EST. 1986

Everyone either knows of, or needs to know about the End the Fed movement in the USSA:

Ron Paul is one of the biggest names in the Liberty movement because he walked the walk while in US Congress as a longstanding politician.

He is kind of awesome.

Video/Resource Today:

Thanks for reading, have a nice day.

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