Official Vaccine Court in the USA. Immunizing Vaccine Makers Against Liability and Proving There are Real Damages and Dangers.

in #freedom6 years ago

The United States Government Continues to Pay Out Literally Millions

to People in Vaccine Death / Injury Settlements

It is amazing to me that people still think the vaccine injury concerns are a conspiracy with a vaccine court in place and money being paid out in damages to people.

It just means they are not researched on the subject or are involved in the industry, to some level with a paycheque or a family member "in the business".

You can really only ignore facts for so long until you realize that government and #BigPHARMA (key word HARM) -- are linked forever.

#DYOR friends!!!

The federal government Advisory Commission on Childhood Vaccines (ACCV) under the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services just concluded their second meeting of 2018 on June 15th.

These quarterly meetings include a report from the Department of Justice (DOJ) on cases settled for vaccine injuries and deaths as mandated by the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP).

The NVICP was started as a result of a law passed in 1986 that gave pharmaceutical companies total legal immunity from being sued due to injuries and deaths resulting from vaccines.

Drug manufacturers in the vaccine market can now create as many new vaccines as they desire, with no risk of being sued if their product causes injury or death.

DO NOT PAY ATTENTION to all the injuries and deaths being paid out by the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP).*

DO NOT NOTICE that the overwhelming majority of the cases involve INFLAMMATION OF A CHILD'S BRAIN.

Most importantly, DO NOT LISTEN to any parent that tells you they lost their healthy, beautiful, and precious child to a battery of vaccinations administered by their pediatrician. DO NOT BELIEVE parents that tell you their child died after vaccination, dramatically changed, lost their speech, stopped making eye contact, began having seizures, fevers, abdominal pain, diarrhea, or any story that their child regressed into a state that suggested their brain was inflamed or THAT VACCINES CAUSE BRAIN INJURY. You must IGNORE THE EVIDENCE.

You can ignore the evidence if you want. You can pretend it doesn't exist. You can listen to the propaganda, pseudoscience, and lies promoted by the financially biased pediatrician-servants of their Big Pharma masters. Or you can WAKE UP, EDUCATE YOURSELF, READ VACCINE INSERTS, DEMAND SCIENTIFIC INTEGRITY, and PAY ATTENTION to the evidence that VACCINES ARE DAMAGING THE BRAINS AND BODIES OF OUR CHILDREN!

  • The compensation program established in 1986 by the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA), the biggest mistake in the history of medicine. Federal legislation bought by massive lobbying and payoffs to politicians that resulted in the pharmaceutical vaccine industry becoming the only industry in the world NOT LIABLE for the injuries and deaths their products cause.

NOTE: The June 15th, 2018 report only includes cases paid out between 2/16/18 and 5/15/18. There are almost $4 billion in vaccine injuries, brain damage, and deaths being compensated, not by the vaccine manufacturers, but by our government through the VICP.

  • Found via Jim Meehan today on his social media. Vaccine Activist.

Thanks for Reading.

Your Friend in Liberty



total legal immunity from being sued due to injuries and deaths resulting from vaccines

No company or practice should have this right. Ridiculous. @ironshield

Amen to that along with my comments below......

The last time I looked, they require 127 vaccines to be given to our kids (per the CDC, go look), when my kids were little, it was SIX! How could we possibly be over run with exotic diseases to this extent in such a short time?

We obviously were NOT! Someone found money in Vaccinations; and our children suffer and die; so they can get wealthy!

Trump can't fix everything himself. WE need to apply pressure to our Representatives and Senators! We need to do what is right, for the USA, and stop all this other crap!

Our single most important resource, is our Children! If we can not protect THEM; we are done!

Anyone thinking he is any different than any other political type, is not awake anyways.

Politicians have literally gotten away with murder, because we have NOT kept them on a short leash! This is ultimately the only way to stop this feces, is with direct threat of removal from office!

WE NEED TO HELP, while we are still able! If not our only remaining option is a 1776 reset. >:(

I seriously hope the full truths about all this stuff. come out into the mainstream before I have kids and have to face those debates with the wife...

this is very dangerous,we have to be careful with this.

@barrydutton can you edit a tag so #informationwar can read this? This is a great article, hoping to get it some exposure!

The fact that there are people out there who do not even read the ingredients in their food is ridiculous... never mind injecting toxic vaccines directly into your body without any information on what is contained within them.

Read the ingredients; . C'mon folks...

Thanks for the post!

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