Political Failure and Presidential Candidate in Indonesia

in #freedom6 years ago

This post is an opinion that I wrote some time ago. This opinion is related to the issue of Presential Threshold


Discussion of the Bill on Elections starts again from 10 July 2017 and is due for completion on July 20, 2017. That is the related news of the Bill on Elections I obtained.

Actually the heart can not believe it anymore. But what should we complain about, we must admit that the promise that can be denied is the promise of politicians. The promise to complete the General Election Law Act of April 2017, until now remains a promise.

When traced, the dilemma of the discussion of the Bill on Elections, of all the discussions, is only a debate about political packages, including the threshold of the presidential nomination that makes noisy. This package consists of Presidential Threshold, Voice Conversion to Chairs, and Election System for special discussion of presidential nomination limits, exhausted political energy that is not clear of its estuary.

Instead of speeding up the discussion, the threshold is not just a threshold. But the party coalition threshold. Because the ruling party is not ready to mature and foster political contestation. Many candidates are banged with a single candidate. Then came the funny statement "if Presidential Threshold already 20%, why should it drop to 0%". Then what do you want from the political elite? Is the party issuing the statement unfocused? Like the bottled drink advertising "you need drinking water".


In making decisions including the enactment of the Bill into Act, there are several stages to establish agreement. The first path is known as deliberation for consensus. Second voting, if the first path can not agree on anything. Deliberation usually takes a long time with the assumption that every meeting participant expresses view and choice to be agreed upon.

Deliberation requires readiness to accommodate each other's views in order to find the best deal. When all agreements are considered to satisfy the wishes of some participants. Then the consensus reached for each deliberation.

However, if any argument leads to a dispute both verbally and physically. Then the deliberative participants can take another option, namely voting. General note that voting is voting with open and closed mechanism.

Voting is open understood that each participant can choose directly and known by other participants. While closed voting means voting and the choice is not known by anyone. If voting is used as a solution, it is a sign of agreement has been lost for togetherness. To those who hear the news of the voting please understand that the difference has opened wounds and can not be cured.

Bitter Option

If the discussion is deadlocked. In my opinion, it is preferable that the Election Law be brought to the plenary and by voting, one member of the People's Legislative Assembly shall vote one vote. Although voting is the last option, but for the benefit of voting can be selected as a solution. My advice, open voting as a brave choice. Pubic can see who supports one package and who refused.

The voting option is a harsh reality that consensus deliberations have already led to political deals. Deliberation (discussion) of the Election Law Bill does not prioritize the timeliness of discussion and appointment. Oh my God.

The lesson that can be learned by belayat is not politically sinful if we break the promise. His argument is clear that the people have been taught to break the promise of the representatives of the people by the nonsense of the presidential candidacy threshold. Have a debate, finish your duty, representative of the people.

On the other hand, in the aftermath of the Election Law, people know what steps are being taken to evaluate the Election Law. Whether Judicial Review or accept with resignation but not willingly. Judicial Review is conducted if there is certainty that the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Indonesia (MK RI) provides a guarantee to issue a decision with a short tempo.

On the contrary, if the Constitutional Court adjourned the decision of Judicial Review of the provisions of Article 9A of Law Number 10 of 2016 concerning the Election of Governors, Regents and Mayors. The people simply accept the Election Law and replace the lawmakers with other legislative candidates on the day of the ballot.

As a final reminder, when elections are simultaneously like a nightmare without the certainty of regulation. At that time Indonesia's democracy collapsed by the results of the 2014 election. Can we still believe after three times break the promise? Please take your own wisdom.

Read in Bahasa

Omong Kosong Presidential Threshold https://geotimes.co.id/opini/omong-kosong-presidential-threshold/ lewat @the_geotimes



Pilpres 2019 dengan satu calon dimungkinkan oleh Undang-Undang. "Semua kemungkinan bisa terjadi, bisa lebih dari satu pasangan calon, bisa juga terjadi paslon tunggal karena UU sudah membuka ruang itu," ujar Ketua Komisi Pemilihan Umum Arief Budiman.

Yang perlu dicatat, kata Arief, hal tersebut memungkinkan lantaran UU yang mengatur dan bukan karena aturan KPU. "Jadi Undang-undangnya, begitu KPU akan jalankan."

Apabila nantinya pemilu presiden dengan pasangan calon tunggal itu terjadi, Arief mengatakan tidak akan ada perpanjangan masa pendaftaran. "Kalau memang terjadi, akan jalan terus sampai dengan pelaksanaan pemilu selesai," kata Arief

Benar bang, UU Pemilu mengakomodir hadirnya paslon tunggal, namun berkali-kali di JR oleh berbagai pihak. Kabarnya, juga masih ada upaya JR.

Wah ini tulisan nya tak paham awak. Awak vote aja ya.!hehe

Hahahah thats about how the candidat be in president election

Tapi jangan sampai calon tunggal kalah lawan tong kosong, maka negeri ini akan hilang pemimpinnya.

Hahahahah bisa heboh dunia persilatan kalau begitu. Tapi ide baru tuh, bisa di tulis.

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