What Immigrants Think of Trump's Wall

in #freedom6 years ago (edited)

Building a wall to keep tunnel diggers out? America is too good for this kind of failed logic and too good for this government! NAFTA, other bad government deals, CIA drug running with the cartels, and a massive nanny state with welfare here at home is what has lead to the economic disparity causing the rush of immigration in the first place. These issues need to be addressed first before any talk of building walls that are more about keeping our minds walled in with nationalism than keeping people out.

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Yeah planes, underground, through weak points, etc...


Let's keep it real though @adamkokesh, if taxation is robbery, then that means that any illegal immigrant who accepts-and-receives government assistance, is thereby in possession of stolen goods. Obviously, the same concept applies equally to Americans.

So your seemingly pro-immigration stance, especially if the person doesn't speak English, is tantamount to advocating theft, if the social programs aren't first completely abolished as priority number one.

So why not just say that you'd open the borders after ending the welfare? That would be really appealing to us Libertarian folk. In doing that you'd be reassuring people that it's your high priority to end the theft, instead of compound it.

Also, by giving us your word on this matter, it will be much easier for we the people to hold you to it. Surely, you'd want us to keep you honest right?

I call bullshit. Illegal immigrants, even if they are taking welfare and expatriate profits, bring far more money and energy to the US economy than they take out of it. If you aren't for open borders, then you don't subscribe to libertarian philosophy--which respects all humans as equal and deserving of the opportunity to make something of themselves.

Hello @limnerlocin. I am all for open borders, after the theft has been halted. Let people keep the money they earn for themselves, then in January instead of sending out W2s people might receive a list of local charities that they can contribute to, which would benefit the welfare of members of the local community who are in need.

If you really care about liberty, there ought to be no "ifs". Either you believe that the government should prevent free human movement, or they should allow it. The welfare state is not a valid premise to support your argument. It's a straw man.

The welfare state is theft. If you are advocating in favor that it should continue, then we really have nothing more to talk about.

I would encourage you to learn more about the philosophy of liberty. It seems to me as if though your comprehension of certain important aspects are incomplete.

Are you in favor of government sanctioned theft? Because if not, then you should have no problem with my precondition that it be immediately halted, in order that a Libertarian society may exist.

If it is not halted, it is not Libertarian. Your views, they might be more in line with Communism.

Of course the welfare state shouldn't continue--but to argue only against that is to strike at the branch instead of the root. Taxation is theft. Welfare is just as much a static issue as all the other uses of the taxation theft.
My main point is that you ought to be for open borders regardless of the existence of the welfare state; because each aspect of liberty (freedom of movement, freedom of trade, freedom of thought, etc.) is desirable independent of each other, and in fact the liberation of one area helps bring about the liberation of the others. Want to end the welfare state? Opening the borders might be a good way to bring that about.

How do you imagine that opening the boarders might be a good way to bring about the end of the welfare state?

I think if you open the borders prior to ending taxation, that you’re going to end up creating more government dependents.

That-in-itself, would generate a more fervent resistance to the elimination of the income tax, especially when the Statist politicians will no doubt frame the argument that:

"these cold and heartless people want to end your welfare payments"

as opposed to:

"these people simply want to keep for themselves what they've worked for, so they can support their families."

I think it would hopefully be more like "these welfare programs are not sustainable or affordable now that borders are open--so it's time for a scaling back and reform". I mean, even Jerry Brown is addressing the pension crisis in California finally. Not to mention, the amount of capital and profit that having open borders would generate in the market would make it so no one would need or want welfare.

If Trump builds this wall, it won't be there to keep Mexicans out, but Americans in. Welcome to the new Berlin Wall of the west!

LOL. Like we want to "escape" to Mexico!! aahaha. I'd suggest we'd be heading to Canada. No mention of any wall needed there. Anyway, with Kokesh's plan, it would be up to each state to decide on what to do about their respective borders.

Try to see a little bit farther ahead than a year or two.

Well, I can see past a fork in the road marked by the last presidential debate in 2020. But I prefer to focus on getting Adam entered. It takes 15% polling to be invited. Last one like it was in '92 with Perot. This is doable. What sayeth?

They would D.E.W. us, drone us... or GeoEngineer us before wasting time shooting us at a wall. If they wanted to pen us in, technology gives them way better options.

This has nothing to do with intentions and everything to do with the fact that walls always serve two functions (intentionally or not). One is to keep people out and the other is to keep people in. You can't have one without the other.

The Great Wall of China is still standing and very likely Trump's wall would be standing for centuries if not intentionally destroyed. Rarely does the political situation stay the same for the lifetime of any wall. If US society collapses, the Amish will be running a taxi service. Good luck getting to Canada if you live in Texas.

alright. Adam's solution ends this debate anyway. It would be up to each respective state to decide on what to do with its border. Yes?

You are asking an anarchist what states should do.

No. This is Adam's plan. I am helping him promote it.

It's true. I'd love to go relax on a beach in Mexico, but because of the extra administrative effort that is involved, I chill here.

The wall will work, but I still laughed so hard at this LOL

Which wall will work? The two bush built? Also, what will the wall work to do? What do you want the wall to do?

Stop them from walking over. Such a small percentage of illegals actually dig holes. The majority walk or hop the small fence.

Or come concealed by truck, or take a known smuggling tunnel. You really think that crossing the Sonoran or Chihuahua desert isn't enough? We have to go wasting money on something to keep people looking for a better life from our "free" market?

Your title is misleading by just saying immigrants. You need to specify whether it is LEGAL or ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS. There is a big difference in their status. Legal immigrants obviously like Trump because they are all about law and order and respecting and abiding by the USA immigration rules, whereas the illegal immigrants are obviously hostile to the wall. How would the illegal immigrants cross the border so easily if a wall is built? However, Trump is trying to give the illegal immigrants a path to stay in USA legally only if the democrats start working on bipartisan deal, not just a democrats/daca only deal. Don't need to patient attention to my honest post if you are affected by the liberal media and trust the fake news media and the democrats. Continue to be propagandized by the fake news since the mainstream media dominate all the news outlets. That's the scary part of society, that is, the news is no longer the truth but propaganda.

I prefer the disobedient ones to the obedient ones.

Sure, by all means, you can have all the disobedient ones, whether have them in your own home or country, but please don’t expect or force others to follow suit. People have the right to choose and the right to truth and information, and not propaganda, especially from those people or organizations ( i.e. news outlets) who preach that they stand for truth and rights. Amen!

In fact, there is a debate on any governmental work. It's nothing new. Any work of the government will be delayed. That's the government routine now.

good interpretation of the subject

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