
Thomas Jefferson (and I guess the forefathers) had mention about the dangers of a "too" strong federal gov't ... guess their predictions may be correct.

Well, the natives here in Hawaii would appreciate more autonomy, perhaps restoration of Kingdom of Hawaii from 1893. Still can trade obviously, but no control from federal would be cool.

Plus, my friends in Texas would like Republic of Texas to come back HAHA.

Please support my campaign! Become a delegate for my campaign for Hawaii! Email [email protected]

I heard that story when it came out. I suspected something was not quite fully honest about her tale. I know rehashing this could not have been fun, but thank you for this. I had chosen to support you "anyway" but now I can let go of the "anyway."

Going MGTOW is one option, of course

I just put this post on, in support of reality over idiocy.....(resteem it if you want to. hint. hint. lol)


What a post......I heard little bits of this whole drama here and there...

Its always amazed me what people will do to each other....Especially the ones they "love".

In fact its often the ones we "love" that we do the worst things to.


I always liked you man, I have given you quite a few public testimonials including a few here on Steemit. I have some ideas on how that damage could be fixed, especially if the two criminals are willing to help make that amends.

I am here for you if you ever need anything. Respect to you for writing this difficult and well done post. Blessings to you for healing and an even better life than ever before~*~

Thank you so much for reading and the support, I really appreciate it!

When I saw the banner picture I thought
It was a march for survivors of the MeToo campaign.

The problem with the MeToo capaign is that it is mostly innocent men being destroyed.

Sure, women are abused. But, the actual statistics of stranger danger rape are 0.023% (iirc). So many women tried to capture a guy with sex and emotions, only to fail. And thus they turned into "abused" victims.

There are two types of men. The ones that get all the sex, and the ones that get next to nothing. 80% of women go after 20% of men. If you are not in the top 20% of men, you are not wanted by women.

This is so much so, that the bottom 80% of men don't talk to women at the work place unless they absolutely have to. They do not have a woman in their office alone. They record all their meetings with women. It is a highly stressful environment for these men.

And, the "not being believed" thing. I know guys that were falsely accused of sexual harassment/rape, and they had to leave the city.

Further, studies on women making rape accusations shows that at least 50% of women were lying about it. Not very good statistics when we are just supposed to believe women.

Also, your ex was going to take ayahuasca to become a shaman???!!
You become a shaman, and then take ayahuasca to go further.

Further, if you are a shaman, you let your spirits guide you, take a bus down to central america and you will find the substance. Usually, for free, or an exchange of energy between you and other shaman.
You do not go and steal from people to take ayahuasca.

I wonder how that trip worked out for her. I bet it was extremely painful, or had no effect at all.

love you brother.

Thank you brother!

this is the 40 years result of cultural marxist teachings in education.
(not just the specific of your case I mean, but as a whole - 'if I look at a woman', I am being a sexual aggressor, crap)

Cultural marxism's aim is to push as big as barrier as possible - between the natural, common sense order of things- and making an intellectual argument based on fallacies - god.

I feel for ya matey.

I read this article, thanks for sharing real information.

Your post brought me into the male side of all the #metoo and it is truly enlightening. I do think you made a lot good points about the double standard and how no one cared about rape until hollywood decided to start making money off it, how no one should be profiting from this.
It's a fucked up world and I'm sorry you've become a victim of false accusations. As an actual rape survivor I know there are real cases..but I have to admit it these publicized accusations and reports are like spitting in the faces of true victims. There is no worth in their fight because these frauds are not standing up for their sovereignty they are faking it for a paycheck or a few more followers. It is quite pathetic.
This is a very touchy subject for everyone but thanks for posting and showing me the other side of the coin for a change.

Thank you for reading and hearing our side!

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