FREEDOM!: Afterword & About the Author

in #freedom7 years ago


If I’ve learned one thing from all the interactions of my entire life, it is that there is a universality of the human experience. We all want to live peacefully. We all want fair treatment. We all want to be able to prosper. We all need freedom. We all need love. We all suffer under statism. Governments want us to identify as citizens, but we are much more than mere subjects of protection rackets.

Please take this message as a gift. By asserting its value, you give me the greatest appreciation possible. Please share it with someone and use it to start a conversation. I hope it has sparked a passion in you. I hope you will show your appreciation by supporting my efforts to further these ideas and spread this message. If this book is not the perfect outreach tool, write your own! Feel free to borrow ideas, language, or exact words from this book. Share the message, and help build a free world.

The contents of this book will never be restricted by any claims of “intellectual property.” You can rip it, copy it, rewrite, criticize it, broadcast it, burn YOUR copies of it, translate it, misrepresent it, and profit from it. I will not stop you! But now that you've finished the book, please consider showing your appreciation by helping to pay for it. This book is available to millions at no cost in print and in every electronic format possible in every language possible because of the support of people like you. If you would like to donate specifically to the cause of promoting this book, simply designate your donation for book promotion by letting us know. If you’d like to buy print copies in bulk, please let us know your needs. I am available to discuss the ideas in this book online at or in person by request via email at [email protected]. For more information, to show your support with a donation, and to find out how you can help spread the message, please go to

About the Author

Adam Kokesh joined the US Marines at age 17 and volunteered for combat duty in Iraq in 2004. This critical experience showed him that war is a racket and led him to deeply question his most cherished statist beliefs. He first rose to fame as an anti-war activist before branching out into other areas, often taking action too risky for other activists. In 2010, he became an independent journalist as ADAM VS THE MAN. He has been arrested and gone to jail dozens of times standing up for his convictions. He began writing FREEDOM! while caged in Washington, DC. While he has inspired millions with his speeches, videos, and civil disobedience, his greatest contribution to the cause of freedom is the concept of localization as a way to overcome statism and achieving a free world. To learn more, please go to

This concludes the posting of each chapter of my book to Steemit and the blockchain, I hope you have enjoyed this series and would consider sharing the book with friends, family, and your community!


I am the author of FREEDOM!, a book endorsed (I mean banned) by the US Department of “Justice.” You can get a copy here. I’m running for Not-President in 2020 on the platform of the peaceful, orderly, and responsible dissolution of the United States federal government. You can find out more here. You can find an event near you here. Whoever has the top comment on this post after 24 hours can claim a free signed copy of FREEDOM! by sending me an email at [email protected] with their address.


Freedom of speech should have no limits.
Support @adamkokesh

you are a true hero to mankind.
keep the spirit @adamkokesh
Hang in there
even though the world hates you.

believe me @adamkokesh ,,

80% of the people support you.
because all the people want to be free.

I am on your side @adamkokesh.


i love freedom

as everyone always blame to muslims that muslims are terrorist so i wanna say muslims are not terrorist we love peace

I didn't know that about you. You're really brave. We need more people like you

Nice thought to write about freedom.
I appreciate it.

Salute Adamuksak for your freedom movement...
The movement with our Freedom is extraordinary
I also support Freedom . It is every people right.... i always support you @adamkokesh


we want freedom !

Mi estimado, @adamkokesh, es un ser admirable. Ciertamente somos seres de paz, y de hecho nos hacen crecer bajo esa premisa. Entonces por qué el cambio? por qué la cultura para la guerra? La respuesta de muchos siempre fue la prevención y entonces en qué momento nos cambiaron las palabras. Es un absurdo lo que están haciendo muchos presidentes de algunas naciones, demostrar poderío, fuerza, para amedrentar al otro. Estamos mal si seguimos escogiendo personas mentalmente desequilibradas que juegan a ser presidente y son unos locos. Gracias por compartir

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