Able to connect like never before, we are already developing the relationships that will render government obsolete..

in #freedom7 years ago

In many ways, the arc of government has followed the arc of technology, but their relationship is much more complicated. Governments are often empowered by technology in ways the public is not, sometimes secretly. Technology has allowed governments to be far more destructive than they would be without it. In many ways, technology is now empowering us to challenge government power. As long as we are susceptible to the racket, available technology will determine the nature of the oppression, but eventually technology will empower the general population to demand self-government and render the psychological roots of statism irrelevant.

The prevailing state of technology is the primary determinant of the productive capacity of the average member of society. Excess productivity makes government possible. The development of agriculture suggested a racket centered around various forms of tenant farming. The development of industry created a much more regimented and coordinated economy that suggested taxing income. Developments in printing and enforcement of currency regulations made possible the underpinning of nearly all modern governments: monopoly creation of money. Technology has also driven the arc of our ability to destroy ourselves to the point where complete annihilation seems feasible. If we can get past statism now, we will have averted the possibility of the destructive arc of government overtaking the peaceful and empowering arc of technological development.

Technological development leads to wealth development. By increasing the capacity of the average laborer, technology raises the standard of living (despite government always taking larger portions of our output). When people barely had the ability to feed their families and pay off their landlords, they didn’t have time to organize protests. With the development of a wealthier society overall, the level of individual empowerment has increased along with access to information. This has been the primary driver of the increased demand for self-government.

Despite the rapidly-developing internet, some politicians think they can still get away with the old deceptions. Sometimes, politicians will say one thing, then say the opposite thing in another town the next day, only to find video of the two statements edited together online the day after. When so many of us have nearly the entire wealth of human knowledge at our fingertips, it’s very difficult to lie effectively.

When a victim of bullying stays silent, the bully is emboldened. Like any bully, governments want their victims to stay quiet. They try to keep victims isolated and prevent them from banding together. The internet has created a conversation in which we can share our stories of victimization and see that we are not alone. The worst government atrocities are now viral videos. The new conversation does not favor governments.

Understanding government as institutionalized violence allows us to see its psychological roots. People turn to violence and are tempted into conflict by insecurity and fear. Technology is empowering us to be much more aware of mental health. One might argue that mental health is historically low because of current governments, but even if that is true, lower rates of interpersonal violence would suggest a much more empowered society. In the long run, technology will empower connectedness, harmony, and cooperation much more than governments.

Because governments depend on an enforcement class to do violence against people who are acting peacefully, the ability to limit and control information that gets to the enforcement class is very important. The general abundance of communication technology makes that much more difficult. It is easy to convince a soldier to kill someone if he can be convinced his victim is somehow less than human. It is much more difficult if they can video chat online. Technology is making it more difficult for governments to isolate people.

Before the internet, governments could control cutting edge communication technology effectively. Many desperate governments limit access to the internet or apply targeted censorship, but this marks the beginning of the end of the racket. As the internet continues to become more widely available, it will become much more difficult to deceive people. Able to connect like never before, we are already developing the relationships that will render government obsolete.

Chapter 2 Section IV From FREEDOM! by Adam Kokesh


I am the author of FREEDOM!, a book endorsed (I mean banned) by the US Department of “Justice.” You can get a copy here. I’m running for Not-President in 2020 on the platform of the peaceful, orderly, and responsible dissolution of the United States federal government. You can find out more here. I am currently on my #TaxationIsTheft tour! You can find an event near you here. Whoever has the top comment on this post after 24 hours can claim a free signed copy of FREEDOM! by sending me a message with their address.


The US Corporation owns the territory and collects rents and taxes for its protection rackets. Whining changes nothing.

@adamkokesh do you mind if I share this article to my blog off-site? I would run the first paragraph and link back to your article on STEEMIT and your profile. Let me know.

R. Buckminster Fuller: "You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete."

Any new models of reality that render the established one obsolete usually (always?) get silenced and removed from the public or general consciousness WHEN the rulers of the established reality lose their power/influence . The so called "elite" or psychopathic 1% have censored these new models of reality so that they keep themselves and their institutions of domination in power. The story of Tesla is the central, prime example here. These HUGE, POWERFUL industries of oil (primarily), natural gas, and coal didn't want a reality where everybody on the planet had abundant energy. They wanted scarcity. In my opinion, I think we need to overthrow the existing rulers of the establishment with the new models of reality ready to go that would render...say...oil/natural gas/ and coal obsolete. A new model of reality where say GOVERNMENTS and militaries are obsolete!! BUT.....these builders of the empires won't let go of a reality where they are in power WITHOUT a fight. my

u said that true..! everything has some positives and negatives associated with itself and so does the technology has

Preach brother.

I can see a trend. As a Scandinavian (norwegian) we live in a very conformist society. But with Bitcoin and the idea of decentralization it seems to me like people are waking up. Of course, we are a generally advanced society and adopt technologies fast. And even Norwegian banks are talking about how they should accept blockchain technology and Bitcoin. Some banks even has the possibility to view your Bitcoins on your bank-account (no intereference or privacy breaches) I think you add them manually just to be able to see their value. Also Bitcoin ATM's are popping up. More people are getting into the whole entrepeneur scene, start ups are blooming, robotics companies and normies watching silicon valley on HBO.

In the other end you have people who are hardcore with Liberalism and anarchy. The norwegian capitalist party/libertarian party is the fastest growing party in Norway. Soon they'll be bigger than the communist party with 1% of votes.

I think that blockchain could potentially push us all into the rabbit hole. But there is a long way and a hard battle (with words and persuasion)

Keep doing what you are doing!

i absolutely agree. now a days, sending messages across the world only takes seconds. technology truly revolutionized things.

I sincerely hope you're right, Adam. Because I agree entirely that it's not enough to withdraw support from, or even defy, the current paradigm. We absolutely must create new connections and support networks for the rising consciousness within us. At the risk of sounding cheesy, we must "be the change". We have to start looking out for and after ourselves and one another. Much love to you, Jay

In interesting post, but I think somewhat flawed, from how I see things, anyway.

general population to demand self-government and render the psychological roots of statism irrelevant.

The psychological roots of statism stems from very early rural village life, and advocating other people to take responsibility for the groups security and day to day running of the community.

Able to connect like never before, we are already developing the relationships that will render government obsolete.

I think connecting like never before, will change governments in ways similar to reverting to the early village system - where dishonesty cannot be hidden as easily. ( like what has happened since post industrial revolution times.)

The connectivity will make everything more transparent.

It won't render governments obsolete IMO, because the majority (based on Intelligence IQ bell curves), will always want leadership, and hence always WANT a government, to some degree or other.

Thats how I see the internet revolution, and how it will change governments. Not eradicate them.

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