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RE: alt coin bag

in #freedom7 years ago

hell yeah m!n i lovey our latest video with @trevonjb he looks SO funny making those funny faces in your ad! He SAVED the video! his appearance in the video makes me wanna watch more! if I were you id be keeping @trevonjb in your videos as much as you can! His charisma levels are so high, he can just be there in the background .....

man i a Local friend of mine just did a $5050 Loan @tytran you should see his latest video! You should help give me and him a boost just a little shoutout for our Southern California Scene, you're my sponsor on BCC and just got 2 more referrals , and with your help, we can start getting referrals for BCC at my local college campuses SDSU and it will be glorious!

I will bring you 100 referrals! No i will bring you 1000!

Bitconnect is REAL! the volatility trading bot is REAL it WORKS and otherwise Bitconnect Tokens could NOT simply get to 1.5 billion dollar marketcap when theyre traded openly on multiple exchanges with million dollar volumes so its NOT all just traded on bitconnect exchange....Bitconnect tokens are proof of stake and you can hold them in your staking wallet... all tokens are accounted for... yes many are held with bitconnect with a smart contract a Time lock of 129 to 299 Days so what? Steem has a Time Lock of 13 Weeks for its Power Down for Steem Power... People in glass homes shouldnt throw stones and people who talk shit about bitconnect have NO PROOF that Bitconnect is a "ponzi" and if they did the math, even a Pnzi couldnt not make the sort of oney Bitconnect is making! a ponzi would look completely different!

these people are SO quick to dismiss 1.5 billin dollar growth in a year and no sorry ponzi schemes arent Magic they cant just make a billion and a half dollars just apear out of nowehere

people are 100% Jelous and envious of you craig! Thats all it is! And anyone "worrid" about others peoples Investments "worried" that people might end up loosing money with bitconnect, well i got news for you, stop worrying about other peopel sfinances... peopel should not be worried about wether or not someone invest their life savinsg and looses it, one may SEEM like one is caring about othrs when one makes claims about beingw orried about "innocent peopel gettingc aiught in a ponzi" but really its just virtue signaling ... people cant seriously want me to believe that THEY care about the investments of strangers??!?! And look if someon invests in altcoins theyre RISKING theur money! bitconnect tokens could drop in value just like any other token.... but so far theyve show nothing but steady growth and the time lock of the bitconnect toks make sit obvius that it will continue to grow a slong as bitcoin grows... its CONNECTED to bitcoin

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