5 September, the day of fortune
Tomorrow Wednesday 5 september is a special day for our players...
First of all a free 750.000 cash for each one claiming the bonus : http://steemmafia.mafiacontrol.com/reward/2v21
But also an exceptional offer on diamonds, get 40% more diamonds for each purchases !!!
The perfect time to invest in the game.
Remember, as soon as our steem account permits it, we shall launch steem rewarded contests.
Better join us now... Other gangs are not waiting :)
Click to join the best mafia game on steem
More information on our main page / Contact our game manager on our discord.
Hi @steem.mafia am I too early or too late?
Thank you for a cool game. Looking forward to some more action:-)
Sorry yes i SEE now. Wednesday!!!!!!
I just Collected my 750.000 cash and bougth troops to gain power...
Thank you. Will write a post to promote the game later on today:-)
Have a great Day
Best regards @EveryDayCoach
Thank you, have a nice day too