Make Money While You Sleep - My Amazon eBook FREE For All Steemit Users - Chapter 1steemCreated with Sketch.

in #free7 years ago (edited)

Hey again everyone, I'm here again with another book that Ive written. And have once again decided to make it free for all Steemit users to read. If you found it useful, dont forget to resteem it so that others can read it as well. - I am not the best writer in the world, the purpose of the books ive written is to help people who wish to enter the world of investing, because someone people find it to be a challenge to get started. Hope you enjoy!

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Chapter 1

Passive income, just even the mere sound of it causes peoples hearts to flutter. It ignites dreams of being able to sleep all day and not worry about having to wake up early for a job that you don't like. For those who are unaware of the concept or for those who want a bit of a refresher, passive income is income that you make passively. Ok, that was a joke, probably didn't translate well in a book, but you understand what I meant by it. Its simply making money while you sleep, or this is what people love to say about it. Its finding a way to have a constant flow of money that comes to you whether you are awake or asleep, whether you're at your normal day job, or simply just sitting at home doing nothing. The last one tends to excite people the most.

While it may seem like a dream, its something that's becoming more and more popular amongst investors, old and new alike. In reality no one really WANTS to sit at a desk all day for 8 hours toiling away at a computer screen, clicking repetitively while you wait for further instructions from your boss on how to do something else that you don't actually want to be bothered with. That's is in every way possible the opposite of living. You were not meant to sit and waste your life away, especially not when there are methods to break you out of the rat race and propel you forward. However, many people continue doing it, more out of reluctance than anything else.

The idea of passive income is one that's about as old as time itself, its essentially what kings did before things were regulated in anyway. Any money that was forced out of the peasants in the kingdom was the kings passive income. Well, as times as changed and we no longer live in the middle ages where people were shook down for money, so have the methods of receiving passive income.

It is now easier than ever to have multiple streams of income coming your way. When I tell people this I'm usually met with looks of skepticism. How can it be done? What are the easiest methods? What are the risks? and their favorite question for me is, “Why isn’t EVERYONE doing it?” This is usually the one that gets me started. I have heard the last question so many times, it has almost become something that I expect from people who know nothing about passive income. Because I get it, if you have no idea what you are doing, or simply do not understand how it works you begin to question and doubt, and then ask if it's so simple, clearly everyone in the world should be doing this as well, right? Everyone wants a good life, everyone wants to sit back in a beach chair by the ocean sipping a Margarita hearing the waves of the ocean crash against the sand. The issue is, not everyone wants to put in the time or the effort to make them happen, and this my friends is where most people fail.

There's a very solid reason why there are so few rich people in the world, and that's being said in the nicest way possible. If you desire something so deeply you should go out and get it. However, millions, dare I say billions of people just simply do not have the drive, or want to put in the effort to make their dreams come true. Out of the current 8 billion people on this planet, nearly less than 1% of them have the drive to make push forward and do what they want to do in life.. You would be shocked and surprised at how little effort it takes to become rich, and how little effort it takes to grow wealth. Passive income is a tool that the rich use on a daily basis to continue not working and to have a leisurely lifestyle. This is because they have figure out the simple formula to obtaining what they want and they make sure to squeeze the life out of it so that it continues to benefit them.

I don't believe in beating around the bush when it comes to giving out useful information and you shouldn't either. As someone who has given financial advice to a large number of people I give straightforward information. I find it pointless to lag on and not give the reader or person who wants the information what they need. In this book I’ll be going over a number of ways to set you on the path to achieving a passive income. More so, I'll show you ways that you can achieve a passive income within the next seven days. It can literally be done right now at this moment if you have the time for it. But most of all it takes dedication. Other people who have passive income didn't simply fall into it. They might have stumbled upon an answer to their question, but they had to work for it. But, and this is the best part. Once nearly all the work is done, the income flows easily and without anymore or little effort after wards.

So, now that that's out of the way, prepare to learn about how passive income works, and how you can use it to your benefit to achieve the lifestyle that you want to have. All information provided in this book are things that either I have done personally myself or that colleagues and other investors that I know have done and have achieved great success with.



How do I get it free?

Thank you @moderinvestor for sharing this with us. I am really interested in making passive income and I use Steemit to make some extra money.
I am following you. Keep writing.

Gotta folla here. Great stuff.

I am interested, please tell me how to get your free book?

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