무료 에어드랍 free airdrop oath bounty coin받자

in #free6 years ago (edited)

무료 에어드랍 free airdrop oath bounty coin받자

huobi 거래소 리퍼럴

Referral Code: S3539
Referral Link: https://oathprotocol.com/r/S3539

위 사항에 동의
Juror Agreement
This agreement sets forth the code of conduct for all Oath Protocol jurors applying to resolve disputes or otherwise participate in community decisionmaking on the Oath Protocol platform.

By accepting this agreement, you agree to be bound by its terms, and failure to do so may result in your disqualification as an Oath Protocol juror.

  1. I agree to serve impartially and independently from parties, witnesses, other jurors, and any other on-chain or off-chain participants.
  2. I agree to serve impartially and independently from any business, professional, or personal relationships, or any financial or personal interests.
  3. I agree to be fair to all parties and not to be swayed by outside pressure, public opinion, fear of criticism, or self-interest.
  4. If I am unable to perform my obligations in a fair and impartial manner, I will not elect to participate in governance/dispute resolution services.
  5. I agree to advance the fair and efficient resolution of cases submitted for decision. I will make all reasonable efforts to prevent delaying tactics, harassment of parties, jurors, or other participants, or other abuse or disruption of the governance/dispute resolution process.
  6. I agree to maintain complete confidentiality of my Oath Protocol identity, Oath Protocol cases I have been selected to arbitrate, and any information relating thereto.
  7. Juror’s ethical obligations begin once disputing parties initiate Oath Protocol to resolve their dispute and continue throughout all stages of the proceeding.
  8. I agree to be compensated in OATH tokens, and I acknowledge that their sole purpose and function is to incentivize fair and efficient juror decisionmaking on the Oath Protocol platform.
    I Agree 버튼 클릭하면 다음 넘어감

이름 생년월
국적 성별 이메일등 가입
Verification Email is Sent
We have sent a verification email to your mailbox at [email protected] Please click on the verification link to continue the process, and collect your reward!
가입 이메일 확인함
Dear Oath Protocol juror,

We thank you for joining Oath Protocol and extend our heartfelt welcome to our jury community!

Please click the button below to verify your e-mail address and receive your sign-up bonus. Once your e-mail has been verified, you may begin the identity verification process.
Verify Your Email Address 여기 당신 이메일 주소 확인 버튼 누름
or copy and paste this link into your browser:

아래 화면으로 간다.
Congratulations! Your e-mail address has been verified!
Thank you for joining Oath Protocol juror community and qualifying for 200 OATH sign up bonus. We invite you to verify your identity and receive an additional bonus of 500 OATH tokens
민증이나 여권등 사진 올림
뒷면 사진 올림
자신 셀카와 오쓰 날짜 써서 올림

We Have Received Your Submission!
We will notify you within 48 hours if your submission is successful. We thank you in advance for your patience. If you have any questions or concerns in the meantime, please reach out to us at [email protected].

친구에게 추천
아래의 후오비 암호화폐 거래소를 가입해주시면 감사드립니다.


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