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RE: Tomorrow I will apply for government money. Rent, food... it's going to be nice!

in #free-money7 years ago

It is not FREE money.

The rest of this applies if you are living in the United States of America.
It is not FREE money.
It is not FREE money.
It is not FREE money.
It is money I earned and other hard working Americans toil for that is taxed at an outrageous rate to provide for the security of our country not for people that do not want to actually get out and find a job, even if it is washing dishes or picking up at a construction site as a unskilled labor.

It is money that I work three jobs just so the government can keep 1/3 of my total earnings so I have enough left over from the first two so I can pay my bills.

In essence what you are doing is making my third job pay for a lifestyle you desire. Frankly I find this post insulting and irresponsible and reprehensible.

Just my two STEEMS Worth.


I cannot work like you. You take away work from people when you have more jobs than you need. People like you need to be taxed because other wise weak people who are not competitive will be ruined.
No thanks.

I take away work? More jobs than I need?
I would not need more jobs if the government did not tax me so much and then turn around and give away my tax dollars to those that choose to have others supplement their lifestyle.

Wow. I guess I could quit working and live off the sweat of others and be a drag on the economy.
You have a really messed up way of looking at things.

The Steemit experiment shows that once the people made a lot of money they are not willing to help the poor. Taxes may be theft but to let someone die because he doesn't have the power to get himself out of a bad situation is worse than theft. It's murder.

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