Free Energy Needs To Be FreesteemCreated with Sketch.

Free energy needs to be free.
As long as people keep saying, "So you know how to make a free energy device, well you should patent it and you'll make a million dollars", there will never be a free energy device.

In that one statement, there is about 4 big blockages to a future with free energy.

  1. That money is a reason to make an earth changing thing.
  2. That you should patent anything.
  3. That a free energy device is hard to build.
  4. That you can become wealthy off of withholding a free energy device.

Our Current "Money" Limits Beneficial Earth Changing Things

Money, today, is a means of controlling the tax cattle. i.e. The people that a govern-cement states is theirs.

Money used to be a means of extending barter. To make exchanging things easier. You produced something that someone wanted, and thus created value. You exchanged that value for a promise of value in the future. Money was created by the producer.

Now, money is created by neither the producer nor the consumer. It is produced by the money controllers. By doing this, they impose a tax on every transaction ever made, producing a downward spiral into monetary oblivion.

And then we made a world where you HAVE TO have money, to live, to survive. And having money is a equated with status and power. Being a producer is no longer equated with status or power, it is equated with being the lowest person on the totem pole. And in thus doing, we have turned all people from building a world, to a group that goes and throws their efforts into the bonfire of oblivion.

Thus, if you think you will make a million dollars if you figure out how to make a free energy device, you will never be able to do it. Because on one side you have true freedom, and the other an illusion of freedom. You would give up truth for an illusion? When you do, all you will get is someone chasing their dream that they can never catch, because they themselves hold it away. (In a real and spiritual sense)

Patents Are A Way To Stifle Innovation

Patents may have been an ok idea when started (actually, the concept was deeply flawed.) but now it is the worst sink hole of time and energy ever created.

The thought that a patent is to protect the inventor, and is thus a good thing, is a lie propagated by people who want to destroy mankind. (and block free energy)

The best description of a patent I have heard is:
A patent is a $5000 gun, but the bullets cost a million dollars a piece.

For a little inventor to defend a patent is financially impossible.
To bust a patent just requires time and lawyers. And a large corporation would rather spend $100,000 busting a patent then spend $10,000 for the rights to the patent.

Here is a typical story: Guy invents something and starts producing and selling it. His neighbor sees it, and starts producing and selling it too. The inventor goes and gets the sheriff to get him to stop. But the sheriff can do nothing (besides, its his cousin). So, the inventor takes the neighbor to court. He wins after spending gobs of money. The neighbor files bankruptcy. The inventor gets nothing. The neighbor moves over a building and starts producing again.

A patent is the biggest waste of time and money in an inventors life.

When Looking Back From the Future, People Will Wonder, Why Didn't We Think of This Before?

A free energy device is actually very simple. Once we throw out Newtonian physics and that stupid collider, and get to actually understanding the interaction of particles in an atom, then it will be very clear how energy enters this universe.

Scientists are currently trying to study the parts in order to understand the universe. This would be similar to someone taking a car apart into smaller and smaller pieces to understand how a car works. It is the interaction of all the parts that make a car. Not the pieces themselves.

And thus, when mankind is ready, someone will figure out the correct orientation of magnets and fields, and viola, free universal energy.

Still Everyone Says, If You Make a Free Energy Device, You Could Make Millions of Dollars

Even though, what really happens is the patent office turns you down, and some men in black suits show up to see if you are a nut case with a working prototype, or just a nut case. The former tend to disappear. The later are used as propaganda showing how its truly crazy to think about free energy.

Note: The patent office has all free energy device patents kicked up stairs, and all of them are denied.

When you start to sell your free energy device, expect to be harassed in every way. There will probably be more court cases filed against you than you have products sold. You will have your supply lines cut. And all manners of delays. Your employees will be harassed and your company will be made out as the devil incarnate on the MSM news.

Sadly, this is our current world. So, just report any of your findings on Steemit.
Holding out for money will just get you killed, or worse.

All images in this post are my own original creations.
with photo of drawing by Tesla

The tower in the picture was TESLA last dream and invention. Wireless free energy. Unfortunately the dream died when the corporations found out the true meaning of the project. Did you know he was actually able to " transport" energy wireless through a quite significant distance? He died aand all his appointments and inventions " disappeared ". He said: the future is mine!!!! It will be. !!!! Great article in honour to the most brilliant men ever lived!!! Following and upvote!!!😁

Yes, he had demonstrated a smaller tower and lit up houses 50 miles away. He then, also burned out the Springs power generator.

Agree with your point but it's hard to implement. Elon Musk has been working a lot on energy like Solar City and Tesla. A free energy device will require zero cost to produce but we know that the resources for producing (or better said as "transforming into" , strictly speaking) the kind of energy that we need are scarce in nature. Anything scarce requires some sort of allocation. I of course hope more renewable energy sources can be discovered and easily accessible and i am optimistic that it's gonna happen in the near future.

Open Source Everything! Thanks for sharing your perspective. Even within the past 10 years our world has become so much more connective that the collaborative potential is exponential. As Bucky Fuller would say, "Create a new way that makes the old one obsolete."

Are you familiar with Victor Schauberger? He was a pretty amazing water wizard and inventor. The Tesla of water, you might say. Check him out!

It WILL happen! Onward and upward. Excited to follow you.

Yes, I am familiar.
His work is probably the hardest for me to explain, because it breaks the laws of physics.
Tesla does too, but in a way that most people are already accepting of.

thanks for following.

Awesome. Yeah when I heard about his coiling copper pipes that are inspired by the ratio of Rams horns, it seemed that he was able to make water go uphill without any power. Pretty fascinating stuff that makes me want to do some experiments. I plan to also keep my water in a teracotta egg-shaped vessel like Victor recommended to allow it to breathe and circulate.

Some of these ideas seem wild but intuitively they really resonate. I'd love any videos or good reads you recommend on these subjects. Cheers!

One of the easiest things to see that is based on Victor's ideas is the impeller.

Great big water tanks need to keep their water moving or add lots of chlorine.

So, you have two choices:

  • This great big propeller
  • Or a little bitty impeller (well, in comparison)

All water treatment plants should be utilizing his ideas for sure. Such a genius. I look forward to studying his work.

it was said that one of the main problems trying to build the Schauberger implosion engine was figuring out how to actually fabricate the complex spiraling tapered pipes with internal fins.. shouldn't be a problem now for anyone with a 3d printer that's looking for an interesting project to play about with...

Totally! 3d printing can offer a much easier to construct some of his inventions. I'm fascinated by his spiraling pipes and would love to experiment with some.

That will never happen. Too many greedy idiots are out there.

Don't be so quick to say never!

You are probably correct, but I hope you are wrong. Yes, hope. Oh please, oh please, oh please...

There will be opposition for sure, but with the right support and the right people coming together, I can see it happening!

Do thoughts create reality? Negative thoughts.... negative reality....

Choose wisely

Thank you! Beautiful article. Please continue :)

Your welcome, and I will continue.

The problem with the premise is that it would rely on humans deciding to not be greedy. Any change that hinges on unanimous human decision is going to fail.

But if you examine the emergent properties of new models of economics, such as cryptocurrencies, you'll see that something about the design makes people far more likely to be helpful, engaged, and put the community before raw profits.

Examining why that is would be a wonderful study, and I suspect it has a lot to do with the fact that everyone is anonymous or can chose to be, it's all open source and this carries a culture of collaboration and in it togetherness, and everyone is earning together. As long as crpyto is on the rise, we're all just helping, not competing.

Excellent post either way, and I look forward to your future posts!

I wonder sometimes if free energy would really be a good thing... think about cancer for a minute.. in cancerous cells the mitochondria go into overdrive, giving the cells way more energy than usual. This excessive energy allows the cells to grow and reproduce uncontrollably. Even with a limited amount of expensive energy the human race is doing a pretty good job of killing its host organism ( the planet earth). the population already has exploded , in part due to the abundance of energy released from fossil fuels. If we had access to unlimited amounts of free energy, there's a good chance that we really would become a planetary cancer and damage to the earth even more than we do now. despite being cleaner than fossil fuels, it would allow the population to increase faster and power all the chainsaws and bulldozers that this huge industrial monster could churn out... doom...

This is the reason we don't have free energy right now.

We will not have it until we, as the human race, would never weaponize it.

The cancerous cell is a good example. What is necessary is for all the cells to be in harmony with their energy usage. Temperature in/out.

Humans are not killing the planet earth. It is true that we are not being good caretakers, but that is changing. We can support a lot more life on this planet.
Things like no-till farming and managed pasture livestock are a huge boon to the ecosystem.

There are a group of people trying to actively rape the planet. And we, as a race, tend to elect those people into positions of power. We will soon stop doing that, as we see just how evil they are.

thank you for sharing

thats great , i upvoted and followed you. please do the same for me

Good article. Just a bunch of greedy people. They're quick to shut someone down.
Steemit is the way.

Thanks you. And I am very glad for the platform Steemit.

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