The Importance of Fredrick Douglas' 4th of July Message: Still

I went to bed last night, realizing the importance of Fredrick Douglas' words on "What the 4th means" .....

As black people it's important to stay centered in OUR truth; to realize that in 1835, on July 4th, WHILE many of our ancestors were enslaved on Plantations, white folks celebrated Independence and Freedom.

WHILE restricting that very thing from OUR ancestors; As Fredrick Douglass said, this speaks volumes to the nature of the country that we are in. Too often, too many of us, forget where we are; and really begin to believe this nation Wants "us" to be as free and as Equal as they are in it.

For those of us who do gather with family, it's important to realize our Ancestors didn't have that opportunity; Often separated at Birth, or while they were young; So many of our bonds, and our connections were broken; WHILE they celebrated Freedom ....

These are the same people who look to the PAST of the nation and see Greatness; but do not see Greatness in a future of Multi-colorism, and Multi-culturalism; it is important for us to realize this, and to share this truth WITH one another; so that we can be better at 'reunifying' with one another; so we can end the separation, put into our families generations ago.

We are still very much in bondage; even with our good jobs, and college educations; the 'agents of the system' at anytime, can end our lives, and our paths, and no Justice will be found for us; Terrence Crutcher, for example, was a good and decent black man... A teacher .... but when Officer Shelby's husband saw him from the Helicopter above, all he could see was a 'big dangerous beast' ..... as did his wife ... as she opened fire ... ending his life, when it was him to called the police, to help.

They don't view us the same way they view themselves.

Naturally there are exceptions to these rules; there are white people who realize how wrong their culture was; and in so many was, still is. As so many continually Ignore what is happening to black society in America; While the rest of us post about what police are doing to our communities, they're showing off their Trips to Brazil and Poland :)

They're talking about food, and places they like to eat; Movies and TV shows they watch; they don't even really put politics on their pages, to keep the vibes positive; This means ignoring all 'negative news' like blacks being murdered by police, and police getting away with it. It even includes skipping all discussion of the environments that lead to crime within the black community; Until a NFL Player takes a Knee during the anthem, and suddenly ---- They're posting about how these NFL Players need to show more respect for the nation they're part of!!!!!!!

a nation that has never respected them ....

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