Is Dr. Craig S. Wright, the Australian who claims to be Satoshi Nakamoto, a fraud?

in #fraud5 years ago (edited)

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It would be very easy for him to prove that he is Satoshi Nakamoto. He could do that with a signature using the private key using bitcoin block #1.

Instead he tried to prove that he's Satoshi with some bogus proof that off course nobody believes. It only makes his claims less believable.

Doesn't that seem strange to you? He makes these claims that he's Satoshi all the time but refuses to give very simple proof. If he just would show the proof, nobody could deny that he's Satoshi. Instead he now wants to take people to court that say he's a fraud. How is that going to help him out? 

Also, Satoshi didn't want to become famous. He wants nobody to know who he is. Why would he suddenly chance his mind? 

For these reasons, it's very unlikely that he is the real Satoshi Nakamoto. But that is only speculation. Only he knows the truth, but for some reason he refuses to show us proof. 

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. 

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