Evening Thoughts of a Q Reader Continued..... Time to revisit the actual coup vs Trump

in #fraud6 years ago

People forget how bad the Deep State wanted Hillary in office. I know you think you know, but you really don't. The Deep State had it all planned out, just like they had done before with other candidates. Some times they have an opponent they just know they will beat and set it up accordingly. 2016 was this type of election. With Trump, they were wrong.

First they had to have a sham primary with Bernie Sanders and that ex Governor of Maryland. He will go nameless here but he is depicted in the HBO show "The Wire" perfectly. Problem with Bernie though. Hillary has to cheat Bernie out of the win.  It was obvious and it makes many Bernie supporters stay home in November. Once she "wins" the nomination the "plan" is green lighted. Many layers to the plan too.

Layer one.  Get many candidates to run, shills who will run but probably not win.  They accomplish a few things.  1st they divide the GOP helping Dems in the general election. 2nd they diffuse the vote resulting in the "most popular" getting more of the vote. A perfect storm for a candidate like Trump. And 3rd, your "bought" folks will work after the fact to help destroy the nominee at the convention and leading up to the election.  Who were these "shills?"  3 come to mind, but there were more.  John Kasich, Carly Fiorina and remember JEB Bush [he was supposed to win.]

Layer two. Get the media to fall in love with "your" choice opponent during the primaries. Trump got 100 times the coverage of the rest of the field. 17 candidates divide the attention easily as well. This tactic has been done by the Democrat Party [Dems] dominated media for years in all levels of elections. If you analyze the 2012 election you see the same thing was done with Romney.

Layer three. Create your fake civil rights group or groups to oppose GOP candidates by tailoring them to the man.  Think back to Romney where they created the Occupy Wall Street movement six months before the primaries. In Trump's case we have the anti police, Black Lives Matter group, funded by Soros. Trump was supposed to be a racist. Remember Tom Arnold having a "tape" of Trump talking smack about minorities?  [If it existed it would have surfaced Tom.]

During the general election they would cause trouble at all of the Trump events that they could muster.  Remember the Chicago rally, that was canceled because of these folks?  All designed to create an image in the media of "real" public discontent with the GOP candidate.  All false, and given 100 percent of the media coverage.  The side benefit these groups caused is to rally GOP Primary voters to Trump.  It worked wonders.  The Democrats did these same tactics with "Occupy" to Romney.

Layer four. The October Surprise. Interestingly, a three time married candidate, in Trump, seemed to be immune to any womanizing scandal during the campaign. The Dems could not find one ex-wife or girlfriend who would say anything bad about Trump to their discomfort.  The Billy Bush tape fizzled because if heard in its entirety would show Trump making fun of the power brokers in Hollywood, not saying he was of that type.  Now we have sexual predators falling from power all over Hollywood for sexual misconduct.  NOT TRUMP.

The Russian Collusion Ploy was Clinton's ace in the hole. The work on this started in late 2015. The Dossier, as it was called, even has kinky sex by Russian Hookers alleged. Problem with this is that the Hillary campaign thought this would work.  No one believed it and Trump immunized himself over the length of the campaign fighting the Billy Bush tape allegations and other Dem dirty tricks.

Clinton always denied having anything to do with the "Dossier" but it was later proved that the HRC Campaign paid Fusion GPS who hired an ex MI6 spy Christopher Steele to collect information from his "Russian" Sources. It was all fabricated.

And because of this the Obama Administration put their CIA and FBI on the case. They wanted to find something on Trump, and could not.

Layer five.  Election fraud.  In the recount in WI and MI, which we will explain in more detail later, the Liberal districts all reported much higher than was the actual vote. In other states, like CA 11 counties had 110 percent turn out which is nie impossible. NH had 6000 bad same day votes that were never properly followed up.  We lost NH by 4000 votes. And many other examples too numerous to list here.

Why is the Pre-election stuff part of the "Coup?" Because they broke the law to attain the same end with a fraudulent election. This plan worked with Romney. It would work with Trump. It did not work and they were panicking. The panicking with the Obama officials started much earlier than the election.

Hillary was a flawed candidate with high negatives and top folks in the Obama Administration did not have confidence in her ability to win. Obama put his effort through his CIA and FBI investigating the "flawed" Russian Collusion angle. Texts and statements from administration officials prove Obama's direct involvement.

Trump pushed Obama's buttons by bringing General Flynn into his campaign in March.  He even said Flynn would make a great VP. What was Flynn in the Obama administration?  He was Head of Military Intelligence and knew where many of the bodies were buried.  Flynn would also advise Trump on how the Obama folks would be coming at him and thus he had to be first to go.  They planned accordingly.

Obama's 1st layer. During the campaign and after the election they would arrange multiple meetings with Russian officials and possible Trump folks. Don Jr, Sessions and Flynn especially. CIA director Brennan approves US entry for a Russian Spy to meet with Don Jr. She was not allowed into the country without his interference. The Spy met with Fusion GPS before and after the meeting. A clear set up. Sessions was invited to an event that was also attended by the Russian Ambassador. So What? But they met. Sessions, a US Senator, meets with dignitaries all of the time. After the election, Flynn would be involved with conversations with Russian officials. As the future national security advisor, this was normal too. But the black hats are painting a picture for their media allies to misrepresent to the American people.

Obama's 2nd layer. Conduct a fraudulent Counter Intelligence investigation vs Trump before the meeting of the Electoral College [EC] in hopes of defeating Trump before he can get EC approval on the election. Again the media will be brought in to publicize.

It is unknown if Obama tried to investigate the EC delegates in order to blackmail them, but we would not be surprised if he did. But Obama had another tactic to pull on Trump. If they could delay an EC vote they may force a deadlock and have the election go to the swamp....er US Congress, where their candidate HRC would win that "election."

Obama's 3rd layer.  Mobilize your private army "OFA"  Organizing for Action, formerly Obama for America and put them in "Antifa" outfits and protest Trump through the inauguration. It continues to this day. Terrorists by any other name IMO. Modern day Brown Shirts. Too bad our kids do not learn history in the schools.

Obama's 4th layer. Get a shill, Green Party head, Jill Stein, to call for a recount in three close states. PA, WI, and MI. The Hillary campaign supports this measure.

Looks on the up and up but it is not. The conspirators meet ahead of time to plot this out. Stein is "chosen" to conduct the appeal. Apparently, bad information is fed to her on deadlines for an appeal to recount in PA by an "insider" for Trump. No one catches it. The goal would be to start recounts so late that these three states could not get their totals confirmed in time to send them to the EC. Trump would not have the amount of Electoral Votes to win in time.  They take PA to court over the date.

What skulduggery! The Russian Collusion Ploy would be pushed by Democrats and "Never Trumper" Republicans in order to force a deadlock with the EC and gain sympathy in the courts if it came down to that. But if the votes are not given to the EC in time the "rules" have it going to Congress. The media would push the Russian Collusion to mollify the masses during the crises.

But WI gets their recount done fast. MI halts their recount because the fraud being discovered is massive and matches that in WI. Democrat fraud is bad PR and the MI recount is closed down by the Courts. Corrupt. PA's recount never happens because they miss the deadline by one day to file. The goal was to delay the EC's vote confirmation and PA would have been needed. Once they realize that PA is lost, the game is over.

What did we learn in the WI and MI recounts? 30 percent African Americans voted for Trump. All liberal precincts voted 2-1 for Hillary. 37 Percent of these same districts report 100-1 for Hillary. The MSM should still be talking about this fraud. Crickets. Probably a nation wide trend on the fraud folks, especially in "Blue" States. Trump won WI, MI and PA with the fraud folks! That is over 60 % of the real vote. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

After the EC endorses the election, the "Coup" has failed and the "Cover-up" begins.  We are living through the unraveling of the cover up now. But we have to remember that it all started out as a coup vs our elections and almost succeeded. It morphed into a "coup" vs Trump because the black hats had no choice. When that failed, the steamroller of "Justice" began within the Trump admin that we are witnessing now.

Remember the beginning, when the folks of the cover-up are convicted because there is much more work to do.  100's if not 1000's more will need to face justice before it is over.  We also have to come to grips with the fact that the UK may have been a participant in the coup and at the very least, that the Russians knew it was happening. And finally, what role did the media play in the Coup? Were they participants or dupes?  Probably both. The best part of this is that when this is over we may get our Republic back, if we can keep it.  

Now explain to me why we have a Special Counsel investigating Trump?  Or is this the last gasp of a cover up to protect the Deep State?  In light of the above and the revelations currently what other reason could it be?  WWG1WGA 


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