The Greatest Hoax of the 21st Century

in #fraud7 years ago


This Is An Opinion Piece.

In 1976 Al Gore held the first congressional hearings on climate change. Throughout his career he has continued to support this theory. He was instrumental in pushing the Kyoto Accord, to which many countries signed onto. It failed. Not the United States, however. They stated they would not sign onto the accord because it may have far reaching implications on the economy of the country. Not to be deterred he, along with others, David Suzuki, a geneticist and a few others decided to rewrap their ideas in shiny new wrapping paper and re-gift it to the world.
In 2006 he released his film, "An Inconvenient Truth" and in 2017 he released the sequel, "An Inconvenient Sequel"
In his first film he made a number of prediction as to how climate change would have a devastating effect all over the world. Sea levels would rise 400 feet as the polar ice cap would completely melt by 2014.
Well, surprise, surprise, most of his predictions in the film never happened.
I suspect that the 2017 sequel was made to correct these errors and I would not be surprised if he brings out another film in another few years. Just to keep the fear circling and cash coming in.

It is interesting to note that when he first started he called it "Global Warming." He has since changed it to "Climate Change." This alone should have sent up a lot of red flags.

Well, we all know that the climate changes. All you need to do is look out the window and you can see it in action. It is almost laughable. I say almost, because so many people have sucked up this dribble like a glass of lemonade on a hot summers day. Not only has it cost the world billions of wasted dollars it has started an utterly unscientific movement in many countries where we are now pay a tax on carbon dioxide. Thanks to the Paris Accord, the Liberal Party In Canada (virtue signaling to the rest of the world) introduced the carbon tax which is now pegged at $50 per ton. This new tax will take about $1000 out of my pocket every year. When you tax Carbon Dioxide you are literally taxing Everything! And it won't stop there. Soon it will be $70 per ton then $100 per ton of Carbon Dioxide. Year after year after year.
An amazing fraud. We are getting taxed on the air that we breathe! And of course the useless United Nations jumped on the bandwagon also! Canada will not reach its target of carbon reduction. Not even by 2050. It is a tax grab of insane proportions and Canada will be paying for it well into the future and probably long after I have shuffled off this mortal coil!


Let's take a minute and talk about Carbon Dioxide. Carbon Dioxide - CO2, is a colorless, odorless gas that makes up about 0.04% or about 400 parts per million of the planets atmosphere. It is essential to all life on earth. Plants use it for food and without plants we die along with most living organisms. It occurs naturally in groundwater, rivers, lakes, ice caps, glaciers and seawater.
It is also found in petroleum products and natural gas, volcanoes, hot springs and geysers. A lot of CO2 is tied up in carbonate rock. Crop yields depend on CO2. Anything less than 200 ppm and crops yields will drop to almost nothing. The more CO2 in the atmosphere, the bigger yields we get. Many greenhouse farmers pump extra CO2 into the greenhouses to increase yields.
Industrially it has many uses. When you drink a can of coke CO2 provides the fizz. Fire extinguishers, oil recovery, and many other industrial processes use CO2.

It does have a slight greenhouse gas effect, but far less than what the "climate scientists" would like you to believe.
They have vilified CO2 to the point where most people think it is the number one cause of climate change.
This is a fraud and an outright lie! There are other greenhouse gases that have a far greater impact then CO2. Methane is much more dangerous, but the biggest cause of climate change is plain old water vapor in the atmosphere. What next, a tax on rain?


The Arrogance of Humans

How arrogant of us believe we are of such great intelligence we actually know how this marvelous planet works!
It is far too complicated for our brains to comprehend. Even the Climate Canada which uses huge super computers to predict the weather can't get it right. Perhaps in a decade or so when we have quantum computers and AI that can crack the problem we can finally get some truth.
On the whim of this pseudo - science we implement a tax on CO2 without much thought to how it will effect our economy and our lives.
Coal powered electrical plants are being shut down in many parts of the world. One of the cheapest forms of energy for many countries. Strangely enough, China and India have plans to build hundreds of coal burning power plants in the coming years.
Coal and other hydrocarbons, hydro electric, and nuclear have much greater energy density than all the wind turbines and solar panels combined and many of them get no subsidies like wind and solar. So we are closing coal and gas plants(at a cost of billions) to subsidize technologies that are actually causing more harm to the environment.
Wind generators use massive amounts of steel and concrete and kill millions of birds and bats each year.
Solar panels use toxic elements in their manufacturing and don't have a very long life span and are not efficient at all. The cost of the power they do produce is many times higher than traditional methods. And as a side note: Oil is not a fossil fuel like they want you to believe. Oil is formed in the earth by chemical reactions, heat and pressure. The earth will never run out of oil. And if you don't believe me take a look at Titan, one of Saturn's moons that has rivers and lakes of hydrocarbons. Do you think they had billions of dinosaurs that died there long ago?

Like most of our short sighted politicians, who can't even think four years into the future, it is all about money and power and maybe a whole lot of virtue signaling to the rest of the moronic leaders of the world. I know this is the case in Canada where our idiot PM, the feminist Justin Trudeau, a true girly man, will do anything to get a seat at the UN Security Council.

Donald Trump understands the energy needs of the US and I am glad he wants out of the Paris Accord. Keep digging the coal and oil and keep supplying the US with cheap energy. Energy is the key to a country's prosperity.
Love him or hate him, he is on the right path! I would move to the US in a heartbeat if I could, but you see, my government has most of my money now. All part of the new world order, I suppose.

Don't let it happen to you!

stop GW.jpg



“In the sciences, the authority of thousands of opinions is not worth as much as one tiny spark of reason in an individual man.”
― Galileo Galilei


success is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration! If we want to solve problems such as global warming, we have to touch the move the public opinion and complain about the actual situation...

This is true! However climate change has always been with us. It is not the problem. The problem is that politicians are using it to tax everyone!
Thanks for watching!

Yes, it is a global fraud to create Carbon Tax.

Thanks! You got my vote on that, friend!

yeah, man... I completely agree with u...

Thanks, my friend.

Carbon Dioxide is plant food. To say that Carbon Dioxide is causing global warming is just fraud!

Thanks, friend! Yes it is one big fraud for sure!

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