French elections from prophetic numbers perspective

in #france7 years ago (edited)

As God likes precision and numbers a lot, He also gives us often hints by them. True "champion" bearing most of triple six in our times was Barack Obama. This new French president seems to be the right successor as his presidential career starts with the same triple six in his election results. No wonder Obama supported him a lot.

Here is wisdom. Let him that has understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is six hundred three score and six.
-- Revelation 13:18 (King James Bible)

No doubt France did the same mistake as US did eight years ago by electing Obama - people voted for like-able face without any knowledge who is behind it and whose puppet this man is . This country might be 5 years under control of the worst possible forces and most of Europe will be under same influence as well. If you don't agree now, feel free to re-check this article after several years and verify it for yourself.


It's a new France. WOW. Just like it's a new America. And ..... maybe, just maybe' for similar reasons.

When Obama was elected, the Dow Jones was at 8k++, America was in shit thanks to George Bush, unemployment was rampant.

When Obama stepped down and Donald Trump took up. The Dow Jones was at 20k, breaking a 100 year all time high. And most Americans has health insurance, a shit one no doubt. But still a health insurance nonetheless.

Perhaps I am blind. But I cant see how Obama has been an Anti-Christ in his 8 years tenure. And if he really is an Anti-Christ. He's a shitty Anti-Christ.


Well, you cannot evaluate someones achievements just according to how well he can inflate the stock bubble. Obama doubled national debt, undermined moral of the country very close national collapse and final judgment. He was also most anti-christian and most pro-islamic president in US history. Decadency in US was on the record high during his presidency. Bush before him was just a forerunner compared to Obama although they both are kicking for the same team (regardless the politician parties). And the antichrist nature of a man is more about attempting to destroy God's laws and Obama was quite superior in that. Fundamental principles like family, man-woman and some others were never so badly beaten in US until Obama came. Macron will go in his footsteps for sure in France.

I can understand how you feel as an American on the conservative spectrum. You are entitled to your opinion and worldview, no one can take that away from you, especially not a foreigner like me in a country where things are already shit waiting to hit the fan.

No president will be perfect, attending an interest of one will always incur the wrath of the other. I guess at the end of the day what matters is the economic health of a the country he/she watches over. No use talking about ideals when the economy is zero, unless you look at North Korea, perfect ideals, shit economy. No one wants to be North Korea. Values, tradition, virtues, are all useless if a nation itself isn't spectacular. Just look at Uruguay..


but no one thinks much of that country , Even though its a high income nation as classified by World Bank. because ultimately i guess a president can only do so much. the rest depends on the people of the nation.

I guess i'll just take a wait-and-see approach to France. People may hail it as a win now with Le Pen's defeat, but who knows what'll happen in 2,3,5 years time.

In reality the economy is not in good shape at all in the U S, the stock market (as well as the phony unemployment numbers), completely anything but a true indication of its shape.. whatever improvement there has been was simply a product of the massive amount of cash put into the system, however to the average american there has been anything but a return to the good ole days.. and Obamacare with its sky high premiums is pretty much useless to those that didnt have before, not to mention the large increase to those who did.

It has to be really bad there in the US. Thats what happens when the government meddle too much in the wrong place. Luckily we now have this great alternative economy we can not only survive but thrive on.

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