
in #fr6 years ago (edited)

Once upon a time, there was a man named Steve Russ who worked in a boring office job. Every day, he would wake up early in the morning and drag himself to work, where he would sit in his cubicle and stare at his computer screen for hours on end. Steve's work was tedious and monotonous, and he often found himself daydreaming about a more exciting life.

As Steve sat at his desk one day, staring at yet another spreadsheet, he couldn't help but wonder if there was more to life than this. He had always dreamed of traveling the world, experiencing new cultures, and meeting interesting people, but he had never had the courage to pursue those dreams. Instead, he had settled for a steady job and a comfortable but unfulfilling existence.

One afternoon, as Steve was browsing the internet during his lunch break, he stumbled upon a travel blog. As he read through the articles and looked at the stunning photos, he felt a spark of inspiration. Suddenly, he realized that he didn't have to spend his life trapped in his cubicle, dreaming of adventure. He could take action and make his dreams a reality.

That night, Steve went home and began researching travel destinations. He made a list of all the places he wanted to visit and started saving money for his first trip. Over the next few months, he worked hard and saved every penny he could, cutting back on unnecessary expenses and making sacrifices to achieve his goal.

Finally, the day arrived for Steve to set off on his adventure. He quit his boring office job and packed his bags, feeling nervous but excited about the journey ahead. As he traveled through exotic countries, tried new foods, and met fascinating people, Steve realized that he had made the right choice. He had taken a risk and pursued his dreams, and it had led him to a life of adventure and fulfillment.

From that day on, Steve never looked back. He continued to travel the world, explore new places, and try new things, never letting his fear hold him back. And even though he sometimes missed the security of his old job, he knew that he was living the life he had always wanted. A life full of excitement, adventure, and endless possibility.


C'est amusant, je ne fonctionne pas du tout comme ça.

Il y a un an, je me suis mis au sport de manière importante. Je suis à 5 entraînements par semaine et je pratique en très grande majorité seul.
Je ne suis pas contre la pratique "collective", mais elle ne me permet pas de m'entraîner à mon plein potentiel. Évidemment, pas de musique non plus.

Ce qui m'engage, c'est de me mesurer à moi-même. Je me donne des défis pour donner du sens à tout ça. Par exemple, je vais faire un Trail urbain de 14 Km et un semi marathon pour 2018.
Cet affrontement contre mon moi'hier à un côté presque spirituel et c'est ce qui m'inspire.

Mais j'ai un tempérament très centré sur moi-même. C'est ce qui explique mon fonctionnement.

Je m’entraîne seul aussi ;)
Ce que je souligne ici c'est que je ne pense pas que la motivation soit réellement le facteur qui nous permet de durer.
Merci de ton retour.

Oui pour ça, nous sommes totalement d'accord 👍😉.

Vos méthodes peuvent être particulièrement utile pour son propre développement personnel ! Upvoté à 100% !

Merci, ça m'encourage beaucoup :)

Top ton article :-) !!

Perso je suis incapable de me punir, et c'est pas faute d'avoir essayé. En tout cas je prend note de toutes ces astuces et perso moi mon truc pour finir une tâche qui me saoule, il me suffit de me dire "Allez encore 5 minutes" je me répète ça plusieurs fois jusqu'à ce que cette tâche sois terminée :-) !

A bientôt !

C'est vrai que le "allé encore 5 minutes" marche plutôt bien quand on a du mal à s'y mettre :)

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