Foxtales Week#6: "Astral Projection"

in #foxtales7 years ago (edited)

Story image from @vermillionfox

I wake up from the cold temperature of the room. Strange. I remember turning on the heater before I went to sleep two hours ago. With a trembling hands, I gather the blanket around me to at least minimize the cold. I look around sleepily. And then I notice someone standing by the door. The face was hidden with his right arm reaching out something in a weird way. Like someone getting ready to claw a person. I feel cold shivers run down my spine. The room is getting colder by the minute. The shadow seems to be moving towards my direction. When the dim light of the nearby building flashes to his face, I am shock at what I saw. The exact replica of my own! I scream to my heart’s content hoping to vanish the scary person in front of me. And then consciousness returns to me. I am in the familiar space of my room, drenched with sweat. The sunrays beam like nothing happened. I see, it was just a dream.

P.S.: While I was writing this, something fell from our kitchen. I got really scared because there is a mirror in the doorway facing the kitchen. I was so scared of what will appear from the door I didn't dare to move from where I was sitting in the living room.

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