Red is the new Pink on Saturdays

in #foxtales6 years ago (edited)

{No intro blurby blurb today other than a huge burnout which I guess got burned out due to the addiction of online activities being a soul possessor... Also this post was supposed to come out the day of the contest post being posted but... Today this post is an entry for @vermillionfox's Foxtales Contest as yah can click there... Today's music-aide: Waltz of the Underworld Deltarune and Undertale Medley.}

Art piece done by the lovely @vermillionfox

- Red is the new Pink -

"W-what? Are you seriously that banal to think me that for simply a hair colour change? If so, then simply why is it that whatever I do I must be kept prim and clean even in the comfort of my home? But with you people I must simply accept that you will paint your entire skin in tattoos or bulk up so massively it looks like some living rock instead of a human being? If I simply even dare have a slight layer on my belly, must mean the end of the World is coming for me? With you, just not staying in shape or whatever you decide next to excuse your platitudes and attitudes. You really must be suffering worse than an existential crisis that me being out of line for something as banal as my hair's colour spells the end of human society. But maybe I am simply loosing it and you are sincerely frank with why I decided to dye it a certain way, yet let me say this truly you daft dolts. Perhaps learning how phrase things better and without giving air to ill intentions shall make me not think you the lunatics. Especially with how you waste every second of your life on me when you could learn to do something useful in your life, like not being a shit partner in a relationship or committing to a hobby other than this. Do tell me, whenever we do bump into each other again, how's that going for you and whether when you stopped trying to control things you were told that you could control has made anything good in your life. Now, if you excuse me, I like to have my red hair have fresh air and I to walk the walk without any interruption!"

- On Saturdays -

Her house door screams shut, long legs moaning mercilessly on each egregious stiff step. High heels fearlessly flying and whistling wide thanks to furious feet banishing them. Tight tights yanked by aching arms off, serious stress turned to the pleasurable persisting pains of recovery. Wild wig suddenly spun away, the flowy fire colour of her hair silently supplanted her shoulders. Ears, eyes, esophagus: all finally free from crass conditions. Her dress coat carefully feeling the hanger, her mellowed mind mercilessly hung them both back up to this closet - one she'll come back and fix as she wakes up the next day. Pretty piffy pencil skirt, hazel hues like her hazel rose on her ears, began falling off as her hazel rose was whiskered to the plant pot. Taking tiredly her dress-shirt, her gaze got nabbed by the bathroom mirror and a thought rang inside her dome. Body collapsing, her hands caught the cold counter before meeting the careless concrete. Lifting herself up, the tiring thought attacked her again and she screamed silently to the air as her bathroom became broken belatedly. Searching surroundings, she finally forced the fair breathing to come in the place of the fast heaving dread beat. Her eyes gazed upon the mirror, she managed to arise so fast but then came the obvious obtuse ones that are always asked. Yet with how easily they came to her head, so suddenly she shot them all down without a thought. Then came the pin-point precise problems that stumped her for her words, but soon with her mind above the clouds had her questions finally dissapeared. Shoulders loosening with every question, tears came racing out and her voice-box uttered gratitude for the self-fortitude to keep up the charade of which had been her dangerous tapeworm eating her away.

- Gaze -

And what would one see if one could really look at the gaze and not shutter in fear? The question that has revolted many fields and forcing everywhere and everyone to sincerely dedicate resources upon the topic. If a lady that never gave an emotion wasn't enough of every fields' personal gaze, then we now have another one to add to the collection of things that every capture the ire of society. And to that we must give an urah for the fiery quality of the hair that contrasts so much against the bare skin from should-to-shoulder, a mouth so between disgust and questioning that it might as well be both and a pair of eyes so far-reaching yet ever-present in the viewing look of an observer that it's hard to tell when she reaches out and when she's merely scanning the updated surroundings. Some would stupidly say that with emotions to add to the scale, that emotional confusion is simply an easier state to achieve than without before. Yet the memories of such must've made of a black hole in remembering the Other in the non-reactive lady that sat down that it has been conveniently filled up with her. Shame per share, a loose cannon these folks are who haven't tasted the sweet auguries of tears before and expected an emotional catharsis along with their main catharsis. As she sits recluse somewhere different everyday in the museum, she forces people to give way to the childlike task of scouting everywhere for the famed things. But do people even realize how she emulates the everyday citizen who cannot sit in one place despite sharing the same location as another person each and every day? That people indeed do occupy different places, and none needing a serious look except into unconsciousness?


Two things: expect tomorrow some haiku action and this probably had taken me the longest the finish do me knowing what to write but not knowing what to do to get their. Probably some twisted form of writer's procrastination monkey taking command until last minute acting is required...


Novum kalium pirata.png

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This post was submitted for curation by: @theironfelix
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Really enjoyed the first story. Thought it drew the reader in and showed us what was going on.

UwU ~ Thanks for reading and thanks for the compliments! Created the first one with the intent of drawing in people~


The first one made me laugh. Especially the part about bulking up. Reminded me of my ex and the many reasons why we didn’t work out.

The second one is my favorite. Super raw.

UwU ~ Thanks for reading and thanks for your inputs!

Well that's sad, but I'm glad you left it before it had gotten any worse. c:

;-; It was a real doozy to write that one since the painting reminded me much of so many moments "of why must I keep this charade up to live a decent life" that I couldn't hold back and had to discharge that emotional pain into this. But I'm so glad people are taking it nicely and not freaking out that it doesn't make sense~ c:

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