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RE: Two Stories Inspired By The Same Image (Foxtales 40 Entry)

in #foxtales5 years ago

I always enjoy your detailed analysis <3

I was very much trying to set it up as being open as to what it was that she had been through/lead her to that and leave what it was/why she was shedding it up to the reader so I am very happy that it worked and there was an emotion you felt in there <3 That was the transition I was going for, something about the second girl, its such a tender affectionate kiss. I was very much going for accepting who she used to be, with her flaws, instead of mentally correcting them looking back and remembering the darker moments and accepting herself as she was then even if she couldn't at the time. Yey <3

Now this is very interesting, I was indeed going for the speculative scifi, the edge of the AI/life line. It was my intention that Jake's tries to hire, then offers to buy them, but I deliberately avoided lines about money, or anything like Jake hoping he would have enough. I was pleased with the title when I finally came up with it <3 so very glad you appreciated its role in the story. Given my love for AI stories, this is very much one, but equally... Jake who walks home past these windows every day - yet does not go inside, (but equally has noone else to worry about when it comes to bringing home to sexrobots) could be projecting something that isn't there, his own loneliness reflected in something he can't quite dismiss as not real. But it is more of an AI coming to life story, could easily lead into a full blown story if I had time!

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