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RE: 16 Days of literature: 坏牙 (Huài yá)

in #foxtales5 years ago

I love the haiku, the same object cast through different eyes, a sense of time and age conveyed through the difference in the perspectives, a sense of the wider world, and those who pass by. Very nice <3

There is a beauty in train, the revolutionary spirit still present, despite the rust and time. The idea of the passion and emotion of those who rode her for such a journey imprinting in the very soul of the train is such a beautiful image, i love the idea of people leaving echoes in the places they were. Very short, but very enjoyable!

Foxtales, there are some fantastic phrases in here, i love how you describe the slowing of time in a moment of pain

telling her only mere seconds have passed when hours have gone by

There is a symmetry, between the story and its contents. The intensity of description matching the pain, the few moments that take so long for her make the whole story, showing the depth felt in that. The vivid picture it paints is palpable! <3


UwU ~ Thanks for reading and thanks for the compliments! Dzięki @calluna for leaving such a beautiful comment!~ Yah analyzed each piece with near picture perfect clarity and I love each and every one of the same. Makes me feel good to know yah could post a comment like this ^.^


<3 not just compliments, honest opinion :p

Sure i saw/didn't see things though, always love hearing your own analysis <3 but thank you

All your work is worthy of in depth attention, reflection and analysis, sadly life does not quite allow enough time to give your work the true adoration it deserves!

<<<<3333 :D :D!!!!~

I thought ‘twas close enough that I needn’t say one thing other than ‘twas a good analysis.

Falls over, heart thumping ~UwU~ Thank yah, mój Ukochany - the same with yer works!!!!~

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