[F1C]Fortune1Coin - CryptoNight Algo with 3 Layer Mining Affiliate System

in #fortune1coin5 years ago (edited)

CryptoNight Algo But with Unique 3 Layer Mining Affiliate System

Website: https://fortune1.money/

Tech Spec:

  • Algorithm: CryptoNight
  • Block time is 180 seconds
  • Difficulty retarget each block
  • Total coins: 18,446,744,073,709 coins

Fortune1Coin is not just another cryptocurrency. This is something more significant in the world of cryptocurrencies. We managed to create something that many only dreamt of but could not accomplish. We offer a cryptocurrency that will be truly popular worldwide among broad population.

While various teams of cryptocurrency developers around the world enter an “arms race” by adding different algorithms of hashing and transactions, we have decided to go the other way. We use the well-known and well-proven ways of Internet promotion.

Yes, it’s very simple! We did not invent any new ways of hashing. We did not invent another way of conducting anonymous transactions. There’s too many of them! Are the existing methods not enough? We chose another way. We added a built-in affiliate program to our cryptocurrency!

What does it mean for you? This means that you can get your unique link to our site and then send it to all your friends, post it on your social media accounts and use any other legal methods of promotion available to you. What for? The thing is, as soon as someone from your friends goes to our site using your link, downloads the program and starts mining Fortune1Coin, you’ll get your income from his/her mining immediately!

Yes, you can mine yourself and/or somebody else can mine for you! When someone else mines for you, you get your legally earned interest! How much will it make? Check out the conditions of our affiliate program below!

The great news for you is that there are several levels of awards from mining of your partners in Fortune1Coin:

  • you get 5% of the mining sum of partners attracted directly by you (i.e. partners if the 1st level);
  • you get 3% of the mining sum of partners attracted by your partners (i.e. partners of the 2nd level);
  • and, finally, partners of the 3rd level will bring you 1% of their mining sum.

Thus, your partner tree can have three levels, and you can get up to 9% of the mining sum of your partner network! You may not even mine yourself! Just promote Fortune1Coin among your friends and visitors of your social media accounts and other Internet resources available to you.

Miners always pay 9% (5+3+1) fee from the income they get. Even if a miner turns to be a sly one and comes to our site as an anonyme (as if he were taken here from a search engine or just entered the site address directly in the browser), he will still be charged 9% fee. In that case, the coins will be transferred to the special wallets of developers. So there’s no point in being too greedy and ungrateful. You should always be thankful to someone who has brought you to the wonderful world of Fortune1Coin - it will pay off in spades!

Please note that the earlier you start promoting Fortune1Coin, the wider and deeper partner network you can create.

Website: https://fortune1.money/

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