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RE: Gotta Have Heart: Self Forgiveness & Embracing My Truer Self

in #forgivemyself6 years ago

That picture is Gorgeous! Especially with what you say about flower essence. Yeah, what you wrote in yours about not quite fitting in really resonated with me - it was the black sheepness I always felt. It took me ages to realise I wasn't alone in this feeling! We are isolated yet so similiar in our experiences. If only we knew this from the start! It totally changed my interactions. My little heart on my sleeve says it all.. a constant reminder to me! I am so humbled by your reaction... Thanks for your receptiveness and connecting to me with whole heart!!! I will read yours this arvo when I have time... just woke up a tad late and gotta dash!!!


i soooo appreciate and adore these interactions with you and this whole can of worms we've opened up through the vulnerability of sharing these aspects. it feels so powerful, in a healing abundant way! a force that cannot be stopped. reading your post first thing this morning totally set my day on this wholly beautiful trajectory ;) xx

We are isolated yet so similiar in our experiences. If only we knew this from the start!

i wonder this too! so much isolation as a young one through the years and those powerful lessons that can hurt to learn! in a way though and @sashagenji wrote this on my post, these contrasts make the beauty... this rough diamondesque truth revealing itself through pain... this IS the thing about this earth place... i do know some people who don't seem to have had the struggle and they're beautiful, too, haha don't get me wrong... but those of us who have felt this...... been to bottoms and back.... something so RICH and special there. that journey!! i love this reaching in and digging deep and bringing the treasure up. seriously yours is one of my favs ever on the blockchain!!!!

ARe you kidding me! But there are spectacular stories here! Wow - thankyou. Gawd, as I was writing it the old feelings came up - 'everyone's going to think I am so stupid for writing this' - but I held firm to my heart and the lessons I was writing about, so I'm glad that people have taken it in the spirit it was intended.

I think it must be so hard for people who aren't willing to do the yards or don't know they have to do them.

I was bullied in my teens too and no way I want to go there (maybe I will, one day, but I started reading a post on the blockchain last week that said: "So you've been bullied, so what" and it made me feel sick so I had to stop reading it - and that added to my confusion as well. But then, I'm kinda grateful for it now because it DOES make you stronger - yet I always think people have been through so much more than I have - who I am to think my experience is truly of any value? So it's kinda really really really nice you've taken the time to feel with me. Really really. xxxx

" 'everyone's going to think I am so stupid for writing this'

omg it's so crazy how our inner voices play stuff at us like this (mine too!) cuz i never once thought anything close to this ab u. i felt you were brilliant and shining and courageous! amazing!! yeah who are we? we're so privileged and so many have suffered worse, it's true. feeling ya neverthless xxxx

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