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RE: Gotta Have Heart: Self Forgiveness & Embracing My Truer Self

This is such a heart felt pouring forth of suffering, strength, and love. I love it. I am always surprised how even on the internet like seems to find like. I imagine a lot of the folks here that are drawn to you can relate to what you have experienced. I can see myself in the teenaged girl you describe.

I am fascinated by people that have not experienced a bout of significant anxiety or something similar. How do these people do it? I envied them a lot over the years. But there is something really wonderful that comes from having gone through such trials. There is a strength from it all. We are tough as nails.

You have lived an interesting life! I write about ordinary things that happen in mine, finding little bits of sparkle in all the rocks. Your life is sparkly rocks. You are a brave person to have done all that wondering and searching, braver than I.

A lovely read. I am going to see what I can scrounge out of myself to write in response to your nomination. I don't think I am at ease with myself now, as you are. And it doesn't help that I have all these blasted hormones from weaning. Ugh. This is going to make me cry. Oh well - no pain, no gain.


Darling. I'm not completely at ease. It's just an illusion. I'm a million million times better than I was, but it doesn't mean I'm not fighting brain monkeys like the best of us!

Oh, hormones. Don't worry, once you finish weaning, the hormones will settle down.

LIE!! You're a woman!! - Hah! Embrace it - it makes us interesting. We cry, oh, we cry! It was a really interesting process, plumbing the depths of my heartspace, and I hope you enjoy it.

Thankyou for your description - my life is sparkly rocks!! I can see the glimmers of quartz, perhaps, in the sunshine. That's not to say there isn't a lot of mud and moss too, believe you me!! Not always a rolling sparkly thing. :)

Can't wait to see what you produce!

Oh that made my sleep deprived, moody, hormonally unsettled self laugh. So fucking true. Its difficult being a woman, but I wouldn't choose to be a man. :)

Ain't that the truth. Now, how many times do I have to tell you to get to bed! :) xxx

Omg plz tag me when all of your wonderful people start writing their responses!! Xx

Okay but only if you don't think I'm a jewel thief 🐴

💎🗿🌸🍭 so many jewel thieves around here, you are the least of my worries. And my favorite anyway so u can get by w a lot 😘

😘 phew

And it looks like you may get curied ^^ 🌹🦄🐳

So, as it turns out, I am surprisingly at ease with myself. Maybe the hormones have mellowed out tonight. I didn't have anything cool to write about. I suck <---but I forgive myself for that. I decided to write a post anyway, because of respect, which I defined in the post (a surprisingly tricky definition to put your finger on without google). I respect your writing abilities, so when you nominate me, I will write something...but it might suck. Oh well. Happy reading. :)

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