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RE: Struggling to Meet the Forgivemyself Challenge: I am already forgiven

I agree with everything you said here. I think we have largely the same view, but using different terminology. That is a good point about forgiveness only being required if the act was intentional. For instance, I have a tendency to make my kids say they are sorry when they hurt each other by accident. It is good manners, but it is meaningless - there was nothing to forgive as it was simply a freak thing that caused the pain. I suppose the gray area lies actually in regret. For instance, when someone hurts you by accident and is deeply sorry, but you still can't let it go, that is regret over what happened. I do have regret about many things, and I agree with you - we all do. That's life. But I do not feel like I need forgiveness over any regrets. I suppose this comes down to how you define "forgiveness". Boy I'm picking this apart :)

Acknowledge the things you don't like and change them if you want.

Yep, that's my mantra. It is funny how tricky it can be to zero in on things that need change in the day-to-day. Procrastination of mind and body is strong within me.


That's the good thing about being human. You change if you want, if not then be who you are and be happy about it! Forgiveness is about mind freedom but people use it to enslave themselves. About the procrastination thing, I don't think you're doing it. Somehow the things you don't like about yourself found the way to work fine and its working properly otherwise you had change them long time ago! 😅

Hmm...interesting. I've always pegged myself as being a bit self-defeating, but maybe I am unconsciously working things out.

I need to go to sleep and have a talk with my subconscious. We need to hash this out.

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