Casting Steemit logo from Melted Lead

in #forge8 years ago (edited)


Hello people!

I made a small experiment. I use my small torch and melted some lead from normal old pipes.
The result was interesting and so I can say I learned alot .

Let us see first experiment in casting a shape from lead in normal dirt, but before that I tried before to cast melted lead in normal wet sand and that post is here:

Ok so my first step was to make a simple square in the dirt:


Then I make a small hole and the LOGO of Steemit site

Now I take my lead that I had just around the house and melt it


Then the metal started to melt and something interesting happened

At first i saw yellow, gold like flames, witch was normal ...

But then I saw green flames ..

Aha I found you, you spy ! You are not lead!

fun fact: Lead or Pb in the periodic table has a bluesh colour and becomes silver-like when melted at fairly low temperature ( less then 300 degrees) .Other colors during burning and the fact that the metal isnt melting at the same rate indicates that it is not lead but Staniu or Sn in the periodic table of elements. Staniu emits a grenn like color when burned.

Green Flames

Ok so I took out the Staniu from my mix and continued to make my logo. Soon After it was all melted and boiling

I now took it out and cleaned it with cold water

After that it looked like this:

Not bad at all! It was a learning experience and I can say it looks cool!
But let's review the learning facts:

  • dirt (humus) casting is better then plain sand but not perfect
  • heat the dirt before you pour the melted lead (Pb)
  • make the figure or logos in reverse ( I made my logo normal but it was reversed when I took it out of the ground, witch it was very funny for me)
  • Have fun but remember it is lead so for protection respect the nuclear video from 1960' :


PS:That was a small joke. Please wear the appropiate protection when melting and casting metals.Thank you!

I am Cynetyc and I approve this educational, yeat funny message!Cheers!


I see you having fun with these post, well done dear friend @cynetyc congratulations thanks for sharing these experience

Thanks @jlufer! Step by step I will improve and I will start to make awesome stuff .

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