The Test, Polygraph that is and what they think is their Ace in the Hole, It is NOT a Lie Detector Test according to Experts!

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The Test, what they seem to think bears so much significance and that which they treat as their Ace in the Hole.

Christine Ford Blasey claims that Kavanaugh assaulted her and that she took a polygraph test from one, Jeremiah, whom she calls "Jerry," Hanafin.

But experts interviewed by the Washington Examiner doubt the significance of that finding, and assert that such tests are unable to assess at all whether a person is lying or is truthful.

Thomas Mauriello, a former senior polygraph examiner who worked at the Defense Department for 30 years, said in an interview Monday that polygraph tests merely detect when a subject is experiencing a physiological reaction — like perspiration or an increased heart rate — to one or more questions.

The tests don’t, he said, determine whether a person is lying or attempting to deceive. Instead, the results have to be interpreted by the person administering the test.

Very interesting as they keep relying on touting this "progressive" man's (according to Heavy, he and his wife moved to D.C. for more Progressive attitude) credentials, or what They see as such.

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Honestly, I'm not sure patriots understanding how compromised the FBI superiors are and Have been see this as such a plus.

Jerry is a member of the Virginia Polygraph Association. He has received numerous awards from the U. S. Attorneys’ Offices in Washington, D.C. and Virginia for meritorious service. He was also honored by the Federal Bar Association.

Honest patriots who have seen these FBI officials found to lie and cover up one another's deceit aren't so quick to jump on board with their word play.

Here's what many may not realize,

“The polygraph is not a lie detector,” said Mauriello, who now works as a part-time professor at the University of Maryland’s criminology and criminal justice department. “Let’s make that clear. There is no such thing as a lie detector. It’s simply an investigative tool that will record physiological reactions when you’re asked a question and give a response.”

Didn't she say it was administered After her grandmother's funeral? If you listen to her testimony, She claims to remember what happened 36 years ago at the rape, but was unsure whether polygraph was day of a funeral just a little over a month ago, or the day after. Does anyone else find that strange?

He said if a person being tested doesn’t have a physical response to a question, that’s not necessarily a guarantee that he or she is being truthful or honest. Mauriello said there are even medications called beta blockers that a person can take to prohibit such bodily reactions.

Isn't that interesting?

Experts said that the way the results of a test are assessed is largely subject to who is doing the evaluation, and that the way an examiner formulates his or her questions can produce varying results. In other words, whether a person “passes” or “fails” a polygraph test depends greatly on who conducts it.

By his wife's on admittance, she Tracy, and her husband are both progressive, so that must be quite useful for the DNC who are attempting to bully their way into obstructing a judge they feel threatens their livelihood and exposure of their Vast corruption!

“In cases like this, as surreal as it may sound, people can ask for second opinion,” said James Gagliano, a former FBI supervisory agent who now teaches homeland security and criminal justice leadership at St. John’s University in New York.

Gagliano said that as an agent in the FBI for 25 years, he was subjected to at least four polygraph tests.

Polygraph administrators, he said, aim to determine a subject's physical “baseline” by asking a series of innocuous questions like their name and favorite sports teams. He said then, an administrator may ask more "uncomfortable" questions and that the test could register a physical response, such as an increase in heart rate.

The results might show whether there was a physical response to any of the questions but that’s not a sure indicator that the subject is attempting to deceive; only that he or she had some physical reaction, said Gagliano, which could be for any number of reasons.

A polygraph “can no more detect lies as it can detect truth,” said Mark Zaid, a Washington, D.C.-based lawyer who focuses on national security issues and who in the past has unsuccessfully sued the federal government to prohibit the use of polygraphs when hiring Secret Service and FBI agents. "So, to say that the results reflect [Ford] telling the truth is an inaccurate description but it’s unfortunately how pop culture addresses it."

Now who enjoys pop culture, buys into Trends, celebrities, or those whom they perceive as famous because the Tell a Vision Box said so?

More to come as there are inconsistencies in her story even when dealing with he own supporters.

Please let me know your thoughts in the comments!

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