
I think the short answer is politics. It has gotten so divisive in this country that one party is willing to do anything to get what they want. In my opinion, the Democrats are doing everything they can to delay a vote on confirmation until after midterm elections where it is possible they would have the votes to prevent his nomination anyway...if their behavior doesn't backfire on them anyway...because they don't like his views not because of sexual assault.

I say this as someone who considers themselves libertarian and has no love of either of the major political parties in this country.

Whatever your views on Kavanaugh (and I happen NOT to like him because of some of his positions on civil liberties issues, particularly the 4th amendment), there is no way at this point to prove a sexual assault allegation from 36 years ago and the people that Ford mentioned as potential witnesses who were at the party remember no such party, much less a sexual assault (so they claim).

Before bringing this claim forward (and it was ultimately Democrat leadership who brought this into the light, not Ford), they should have made damn sure there was some corroboration of her story from somewhere else. But they didn't care if it was true. They just wanted to raise a shadow of doubt to prevent the nomination.

The reason I tend to hate the DNC even more than the GOP is because they make me want to defend people I otherwise don't particularly like. I don't like Trump and didn't vote for him but no one has made me want to vote for him more than Democrats. I'll calm down and regain my senses and probably vote for the Libertarian or some other 3rd party candidate...but it will be close so there had better be a quality 3rd party choice.

Police are usually too late and no one wants to get involved. This is why I'm heavy into the martial arts, Karate, Akido, Kenjutsu, and then some. The next time it happens to me god help the guy cause I will play for keeps.
I still believe in the principle of Innocent until proven guilty.

I have the same view from over here. I have also played catch up asni dismissed it at first but the more I hear the more I want to know.

Like you I totally AGREE anyone found guilty should have their Nutts cut off but I just don't believe her. Too many things don't seem to add up with her

Very interesting times. The media seems to really be trying to divide people and void the public of common sense too. Thanks for your input my friend

Welcome to America, where you are Guilty until you can prove yourself innocent. New times brother snowflakes are taking over.

Mmm, as an almost middle aged man it's shocking to see all the lunacy taking place in the last couple years

Perhaps I'm just I'll informed or naive?

Nope, you're just level-headed and fair.

I hadn't thought of it until reading your post-- but the act of protesting seems inherently silly. To wonder if maybe she's believable would be one thing. But to see zero nuance to the point where you're riled up and mad... I think is obviously acting on emotion and picking sides.

A helluva lot of that going on these days. The more advanced we get the further we seem to be drifting apart? So many different sides to choose from when decency and rational thought are totally thrown out the window.

Noone likes sexual offenders, we can all get behind that.. but let's allow for due process

The more advanced we get the further we seem to be drifting apart?

Ya, it's pretty weird.

The whole Trump thing in general is pretty wild, where a major candidate (the one who got the most votes even!!) is being represented as controversial and dangerous or whatever.

I think of it as maybe like the evolution of political madness. The political operatives are also getting more advanced. And it isn't about any sense of decency, it's just about what works. So if they can toy with people to try to get the outcomes they want, they'll do it.

And then under the surface I feel like there's real person to person behavior that keeps getting better and closer, while "the show" gets wackier.

I turn off the tele each time the USA is concerned. Our (mainly left) journalists are against Trump but many viewers hate to see the daily critic on him and those appointed by him.

Oh man I'm so tired of trump mania I can't even anymore..what's crazier than him is the press and the far left nutballs. From where I'm at it's just so rediculous

Democrats are fighting Trump no matter what he does. He could have nominated Jesus and they would have fought it. "Resist Everything" is real. I watched the testimony and it was hard to believe either one of them.

Yeah I thought the same watching. It looked like a child trying to lie but a very bad act

I have a young son and all this is quite frightening to me that you can pretty well be guilty until proven innocent by about half a country when there isn’t any real proof against you. This whole matter almost looks draconian to me.

I’ve joked online about how sexbots are going to be huge. Stuff like this makes me realize it’s far from a joke. I can imagine there are a lot of younger men looking at this, and it’s putting a chill up their spine. There’s no way this won’t have a huge impact on human relationships moving forward.

Interesting (and scary) times.

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