What should be our first seed to share with the world?

in #foraging7 years ago

**Greetings from the Sotall Community!

For those that don't know us, we are a brand new community on Steemit. We are building under the tag #sotall. Also, don't forget to follow @sotall so you can get all the updates and know when we have free seeds available.

Our three main goals are to:

1 - Provide free seeds to anyone in the world that needs them to grow food
2 - Build the worlds biggest depository of information on edible plants from around the world and make it available in as many different languages as we can find translators for.
3 - Help everyone in the community to grow by upvoting, following and resteeming posts from other members of our group.

We have a growing website that will serve as an information center to categorize all the posts made by our members here on Steemit. We are just getting started, but we urge you to visit our website and submit your steemit username to be added to our member roles. Big plans are already underway to do some great things with this group as we grow.

What should be our first seed to share with the world?

There are a lot of decisions to make about what seeds we should buy. Not all seeds will grow in every location. Eventually, we should have enough of various types of seeds that everyone can have something to choose from, but for now, we need to pick out what will be our first seed.

image source

I would greatly appreciate it if everyone would give their 2 cents worth on this. I don't want to sit here and say, "I will make the decisions" on things like this. We are a community. We may not always be able to buy seeds that work for everyone, but I still want to get your input so I can keep my eyes open for good deals.

Please, share your thoughts in a comment! Heck, feel free to give me a list of all the seeds that are on your wish list. You never know what I can come up with. We are in the very early stages and don't have a lot of members, so I don't need to buy huge quantities. I might can buy more than one type!

Keep on smiling and growing!

  • spinach and kale are both vitamin & nutrient rich
  • carrots are great for folks with sandier soil
  • there are so many types of basil, and it's a great addition to any meal
  • bush beans are fast growing and easy to save their seeds
  • summer squash! prolific and you really only need 3-5 seeds to keep yourself happy, especially if you stagger the plantings
  • possibly also some flower seeds to attract bees (like cosmos) or for companion planting (like marigolds)

i'd be happy to get involved later over the summer and into the fall as the garden winds down. i'm good at saving flower seeds, and i need to get better at saving seeds from veggies/fruits.

That is what will make this decision hard. There are so many good choices and since I will be footing the bill for buying and sending these things around the world, I can only choose 1 or 2 this first time. But I have added these to the list of possibilities. Your bush beans made me think of Scarlet Runner Beans. They are one of the most prolific beans in the world and in most places, they grow as a perennial. From sprout to harvest in 45 to 55 days in most places. Plus they are a beautiful plant. many people plant them in their front yard just for the look. And the beans come in every color you can imagine. Purples, pinks, multi-colored. I am already a bead-aholic and I can tell I am going to end up being a seed a holic too, lol. Thank you for your suggestions!

i didnt know scarlet runners were that quick!

I am leaning toward a variety of mint for several reasons. They have a lot of medicinal value. They make great tea whether fresh or dried. They are fast growers and they have a fairly wide range in which they can grow.

But they have a drawback too. They are highly invasive and will take over your yard if you do not hem them in using something that edges several inches below the ground or grow them in a raised bed or container.

However, you can take a couple of simple landscape timbers and make a 3 to 4 foot square bed about 3 rounds high, fill it once and forget it. You'll have enough mint to keep every tummy in the house happy every single year.

There is also the fact that mint is very hard to grow from seeds. The failure rate is high, mainly because people either sow them too deep or allow their watering to push the seed down further than it can sprout from, or they forget to water it and the seeds dry out. But if you give it a little love and attention each day, you should do fine. Please, if you have any other ideas, please share them.

Mint is a good one to start with. Easy to grow, flourishes and tends to redistribute itself to make more for harvest.

Another one could be basil.
Many food and cooking values and also super easy to grow.

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