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RE: How To Eat Spruce Trees - with a focus on the new growth of spring

in #foraging7 years ago (edited)

Resteemed, upvoted and following. I have plenty of spruce on my land, but my real favorite treat (aside from my abundant wild blackberries) is my heavy growth of wild staghorn sumac. There's an idea for a post for you. :) Staghorn Sumac "ade" is delicious!


That's great that you have so much good eating on your land! Between spruce trees, blackberries, and sumac, you are set for a lot of good eating! I agree about sumac! I use a lot of it, in so many ways. I have Smooth Sumac, though, not the Staghorn Sumac. Any red-berried sumac is worth picking! Thanks for the post idea! I'll do that!

Be wary of white berries! And I look forward to more! Yes, here in the Blue Ridge of western North Carolina, there is NO reason to go hungry. Heck I have to kill so much Polk plant every year, just to have a front yard carved out of the woods, that I throw away more salad every spring with a weedwhacker than a salad bar could use up in a year!

Poke is so good! It has fed so many people over the years. It's one of my top 10 favorite spring greens., for sure. Weedwhackers have destroyed many great salad bars, lol! I'm glad you appreciate all your wild food!

I wish I knew more about all I have to choose from here on my land. If only I could just follow someone knowledgeable who would blog about it from time to time. ;)

hahaha -- I hope you see some plants you recognize in my future posts! ; )

I hope to see one's I don't! yet...

That's what I meant. Maybe you will see a plant in my posts that you have on your land, but hadn't come to know it yet. Here's to all those great plants out there, waiting for us all! :D

I knew that :) I just like being silly. You'll come to find out that's why I named my company Serious Digital Media. LOL - Oh the irony.

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