Oh no! My wife tried to poison me! My foraging experience!

in #foraging6 years ago

She said it was an accident and she didn’t know, but today she told me I could just eat the fiddleheads from the yard raw in a salad!


I figured while I ate it, I though I should do a bit of research, since I planned to blog about it and don’t want to tell any lies of right a shit post!

Anyways the first thing I stumbled upon during my research was;

Do not eat raw! Cook prior to eating

Hot damn, she’s trying to kill me!

I think I’ll be okay though, looks like this advice came out in the 90s after there was a outbreak of food poisoning in the US after eating some fiddleheads. So they adviced to cook them. Looks like they still haven’t excluded a potential toxin either, but I’m sure the couple from my yard were ok! I still feel fine and it’s been like 4 hrs, but if I don’t wake up, at least it’s on the block.


Anyways that’s not the full post, I did want to talk a bit about foraging and the fiddleheads.

This is one of the first and really only things I’ve foraged from the yard/bush. Of course there are all kinds of berries, but I don’t really count them.

I pick them every spring for my wife, who has always cooked them and fried them in butter when consuming them herself!

I’ve always had an interest in foraging and living off the land a bit more, we do lots of gardening, hunting and raised chickens in the past and I really thing foraging more is a great addition. Although I did learn a valuable lesson today and doing your research and just not eating anything from the yard.

Well back to the fiddleheads, they are just the early growth from certainty types of ferns, that can be picked and eaten. It sounds like they have a pretty wide range so maybe you can find some around you.


Anyways I’m not going to give any more advice about them, since I’m obviously unqualified to give it... lol. But I’ll like to this great website with lots of great info.

I’m pretty sure it was really an honest mistake, I’m sure there are better ways for her to try and kill me if she really wants to!

Footer by @bearone


I myself have never heard of these fiddleheads. It could have been worse, she could have served you brussel sprouts full of insects. My mom did that to me and my sister. Since that day, we have called them bug balls.

Yikes, I'm glad I was never served bug balls. Nasty...lol.

This is why i do all the cooking in our Home.. LOL

Maybe I'll have to start as well, and not take her advice.

Kill her before she kills you. It’s the only logical solution here.

That was too funny! Thanks I needed a laugh.

I'll keep that in mind...lol.

we eat fiddleheads here too in Maine, but I would never eat them raw. Always cooked with some fresh real butter or vinegar!

Looks like I learned my lesson, but good news, I'm still alive and well!

Woow, fern leaves are very nice to be devoted to the food menu, let alone mixed with grated coconut to add more delicious.

I'll have to give that a try too.

Atau di gulai kuah santan, yuuuum2😋😋😋😋

Yes never raw

Also cut more of the stem, best only the curly part

I ate a lot them back home, love love fiddleheads

They sure tasty pretty good raw, I'll have to try them cooked, I bet they would get kinda slimy like cooked spinach

No, not in my experience. I make them always for curried soup, and they are not slimey

@jasonbu posted a recipe recently for fiddlehead

I'm drooling left and right, ppl posting their fiddlehead dishes. I havent seen any at the grocery stores 😔

Yup and boy were they good. Just happened to find them.

lol... yeah my wife has been known to unintentionally try to kill me with mushrooms one time. So I can relate lol :)

Yeah, I do believe it was an honest mistake, I'm pretty sure she likes me...lol.

Thank God You are alive........Remember to always heat processed your food as this help to get rid of pathogenic oraganisms that may be present on the food and it may even break down dangerous enzymes and chemicals that may be present in your food. Stay safe Mr man!!

Haa funny! That's one thing I've yet to try, many of my older relatives in Newfoundland would fry them up too :)
I'm sure you'll be fine though, I think as a whole our society is a bit paranoid these days.. 😆

Yeah, I do think it's a bit of paranoia for sure. Just for the one big outbreak before, but I guess who know's what animal could have made poo poo on them...lol.

Very true! Even so I eat plenty out of my garden raw and haven't had a problem yet! Let's hope it stays that way! LoL

You better keep an eye on her! Oops does she read your blog? lol

Nah, she doesn't read it, but I did call her our for trying to kill me...lol.

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