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RE: Today's Foraging Haul

in #foraging5 years ago (edited)

When you discover how much hard work nuts are, you realize why they're always considered a luxury in most cultures. Even pumpkin seeds are like that! My subsistence-level Thai worker has 4 acres of cashews growing but the process of getting the nuts is more than she wants to put in, so she lets the birds have them. LOL.

Putting steem to economic use was always the point!! I'm squirelling (pardon the nut pun) mine to buy land. When steem shoots back up to $8 :)))) I already have enough to buy 2 acres here outright with no finance. Thoughts and prayers for the steem price!!

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That's awesome! Enough steem for two acres is unfathomable to me lol land is stupid high around here.

City land is expensive here too... very much so. Im looking at land along the Burmese border to set up my home, new biz production, a teaching centre & housing for my Karen refugee intern program. In a biz focused eco-community. I need steem to go back to $8 and Im there, finance free.

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