Football is cancer. #2 (and all other mainstream sports)

in #football6 years ago

Back on the daily upload schedule, and it's time to discuss that piece of fucking shit sport that was invented a billion years ago and it is still relevant... Cancerball.. I mean football. This will be a structured post and it will prove once and forever as to why football is an abomination and that if we abolish it from our society we might advance as a species.

Extremely outdated

Well that has been pointed out already, as it was invented a trillion years ago and the rules are exactly the same. Or at least almost the same. Footards will typically respond with "it doesn't need updating, it ain't a fucking video game ya bloody nerd".
It might not need major updates, but at the very least it could become less boring and more watchable if it received some minor changes in rules like: less overall playtime, deleting harsh foul plays to induce more action and goals etc. I do not think that footards and mainstreamsportards would like even these minor logical changes...

Boring Beyond Death

Watching uneducated millionaires chasing a ball sounds sort of fun.. but watching the same motherfucking millionaires chasing a goddamn ball is so boring that it should be illegal. As you already know, the finals of every  football or other shitty mainstream sports tournaments, have the same teams as competition every goddamn year. The only thing to look forward every year at a footbal tourney is if Barcelona or Real or the rest 5 top teams will chase the ball better and win the fucking tournament again this year, for like the billionth time. There is nothing to say to footards other than: you need to find other activities to worry about, maybe they will give you an interesting life, everything beats your sorry ass waiting for the same millionaires to win another tournament this year and getting excited about that...

Mainstream professional players DON'T deserve so much fucking money

This is very difficult for me. Like many other people, I have devoted a lot of time from my life just to get an education. At best all I can hope for, is an average wage propotional to my profession and a super asshole as my boss. Professional uneducated monkeys have just trained well and devoted very little time from their lives only to make as much money in a single year as the typical footard will make working 10 lifetimes. Of course the most famous pros have also appeared at the right place and the right time, but that is a topic for another post maybe. I know that capitalism enabled them to make the insane amounts of money that they make, but the ultimate enablers are you, the footards that create them a huge fanbase that results in a lot of advertising money that goes directly in to the pockets of these filthy mongrels.

It creates fanatical morons

The only societal impact that footbal has besides "entertainment", is ofcourse fanatical morons that would even fight each other over which retard's chosen team is better. Worrying about that "A" list monkey celebrity team you root for, distracts you from actual societal problems and imbalances, which of course you do not give a shit about, but whether you like it or not, they are affecting you as well. Speaking of fanatical morons just look at the hardcore beatings that happen in houligan countries like Poland or of course my amazing super monkey country Greece.


I don't think you quite get it. I am an athletic person myself, I am tall, I love basketball and riding my bicycle on a daily basis. I know what it means to be an active person and the devotion it requires to be really good at something. But football gets an uneven amount of attraction in relation to talent. There are tons of other sports that have tons of talented players but unfortunately for them their fame or pocket aren't as big as footballs or baseballs. Of course footards will again claim that they are entertained with shitball, but like I said their miserable pathetic lives do not have any better interests anyway, that's why the find such a pathetic sport so entertaining.

Ihave a lot more reasons about why football is a joke, but honestly I am way too tired I do not think that talking about such cancer deserves any more of my time. I will be coming tomorrow with some more proper true blogging so stay tuned!

P.S. Do not be a footard, stop it and get some help if you are.

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