Scenario of Indonesian Under-19 National Team

in #football6 years ago


Indonesian Under-19 national team suffered a narrow defeat against Qatar U-19 in the advanced AFC U-19 Cup. The defeat made Indra Sjafri's team in a difficult position to qualify for the next round, although the opportunity was not closed at all. Here's the scenario.

The Garuda Nusantara team showed an extraordinary struggle when defeated from Qatar at the Gelora Bung Karno Stadium, Jakarta, Sunday (10/21) yesterday. Left behind 1-6, Todd Rivaldo Ferre and his friends scored four consecutive goals in the second half so the final score was 5-6.

Five Indonesian U-19 national team goals were scored through Todd Rivaldo's hat trick and one goal each from Lutfi Kamal and Saddil Ramdani. While Qatar's six goals were denied by Abdulrasheed Umaru (three goals), Hashim Ali (two goals), and Mohammed Al Bayati.

This defeat made the position of the Indonesian Under-19 National Team slumped to third place in the Group standings by collecting three points. The top position is occupied by the United Arab Emirates (6 points) and Qatar is superior to head to head (goal productivity) from the Indonesia U-19 national team.

Indonesian Under-19 national team will face a decisive match against United Arab Emirates. Some scenarios also appear for Indonesia if they want to advance to the quarter-finals.

And here is a scenario if the Indonesian Under-19 national team wants to qualify for the next round:

1 in 1
Scenario of Indonesian Under-19 National Team
In the final match of the group phase, the Indonesian Under-19 national team must win over the UAE to guarantee a place in the last eight. If that can be realized, the Garuda Nusantara team has the right to move to the next round regardless of the results achieved by Qatar when they meet Chinese Taipei.

The victory in the last match will make the Indonesian Under-19 national team a minimum of qualifying as runners-up in Group A. This is because the Indonesian Under-19 National Team eliminated the UAE which became the main competitor to move to the next phase besides Qatar.

In addition, the Indonesian Under-19 national team can also qualify if they only play a draw against the UAE. The condition is that Qatar surrendered from Chinese Taipei which was confirmed to be in the box after losing 1-8 of the UAE before.

If this happens, the UAE will qualify as Group A champion, followed by the Indonesian Under-19 national team which is in second place in the final standings. While Qatar is in third place with three points.

The next scenario is a little tricky. If Qatar wins against Chinese Taipei, Indonesia must also win against the United Arab Emirates. If this happens, then the points of the top three teams will both collect 6 points.

If that happens, then three teams will be made small standings without including the Chinese Taipei who have been eliminated. The calculation will consider the goal difference and remove the team's third goal against Chinese Taipei.

With current conditions, the UAE will lead the small standings with a goal difference of 2-1 (+1), then Qatar 7-7 (0), followed by Indonesia 5-6 (-1). As a note Qatar has faced the UAE and Indonesia.

If Todd Rivaldo and friends were able to win by a goal difference against the UAE, then Indonesia would qualify as runner-up after Qatar. The three teams will have the same goal difference, which is 0, but the United Arab Emirates will be eliminated because they have the fewest goalscoring records.

Indonesia itself still has the opportunity to qualify as group winners. Requirements, Indonesia must win by scoring at least three goals or more. If that happens, Indonesia will have a better total score than Qatar which will finish runner-up.


Tim nasional U-19 Indonesia mengalami kekalahan tipis melawan Qatar U-19 di Piala AFC U-19 yang canggih. Kekalahan itu membuat tim Indra Sjafri dalam posisi sulit untuk lolos ke babak berikutnya, meski peluang itu tidak ditutup sama sekali. Inilah skenario.

Tim Garuda Nusantara menunjukkan perjuangan luar biasa ketika dikalahkan dari Qatar di Stadion Gelora Bung Karno, Jakarta, Minggu (21/10) kemarin. Tertinggal 1-6, Todd Rivaldo Ferre dan teman-temannya mencetak empat gol beruntun di babak kedua sehingga skor akhir adalah 5-6.

Lima gol timnas Indonesia U-19 dicetak melalui hattrick Todd Rivaldo dan satu gol masing-masing dari Lutfi Kamal dan Saddil Ramdani. Sementara enam gol Qatar ditolak oleh Abdulrasheed Umaru (tiga gol), Hashim Ali (dua gol), dan Mohammed Al Bayati.

Kekalahan ini membuat posisi Tim Nasional U-19 Indonesia merosot ke posisi ketiga dalam klasemen Grup dengan mengumpulkan tiga poin. Posisi teratas ditempati oleh Uni Emirat Arab (6 poin) dan Qatar lebih unggul dari kepala ke kepala (produktivitas tujuan) dari tim nasional U-19 Indonesia.

Tim nasional U-19 Indonesia akan menghadapi pertandingan yang menentukan melawan Uni Emirat Arab. Beberapa skenario juga muncul untuk Indonesia jika mereka ingin maju ke perempat final.

Dan ini adalah skenario jika tim nasional Indonesia U-19 ingin lolos ke babak berikutnya:

Skenario Tim Nasional Indonesia U-19
Pada pertandingan terakhir fase grup, tim nasional Indonesia U-19 harus menang atas UEA untuk menjamin tempat di babak delapan besar. Jika itu bisa direalisasikan, tim Garuda Nusantara memiliki hak untuk pindah ke babak berikutnya tanpa menghiraukan hasil yang dicapai oleh Qatar ketika mereka bertemu dengan China Taipei.

Kemenangan di pertandingan terakhir akan membuat tim nasional U-19 Indonesia minimal lolos sebagai runner-up di Grup A. Ini karena Tim Nasional U-19 Indonesia mengeliminasi UEA yang menjadi pesaing utama untuk pindah ke babak selanjutnya. fase selain Qatar.

Selain itu, tim nasional Indonesia U-19 juga dapat lolos jika mereka hanya bermain imbang melawan UEA. Kondisi adalah bahwa Qatar menyerah dari Cina Taipei yang dikonfirmasi berada di kotak setelah kehilangan 1-8 dari UEA sebelumnya.

Jika ini terjadi, UEA akan lolos sebagai juara Grup A, diikuti oleh tim nasional U-19 Indonesia yang berada di tempat kedua dalam klasemen akhir. Sedangkan Qatar berada di tempat ketiga dengan tiga poin.

Skenario selanjutnya agak sedikit rumit. Jika Qatar menang melawan Cina Taipei, Indonesia juga harus menang melawan Uni Emirat Arab. Jika ini terjadi, maka poin dari tiga tim teratas akan mengumpulkan 6 poin.

Jika itu terjadi, maka tiga tim akan dibuatkan klasemen kecil tanpa termasuk Cina Taipei yang telah dieliminasi. Perhitungan akan mempertimbangkan selisih gol dan menghapus gol ketiga tim melawan Cina Taipei.

Dengan kondisi saat ini, UEA akan memimpin klasemen kecil dengan selisih gol 2-1 (+1), lalu Qatar 7-7 (0), disusul Indonesia 5-6 (-1). Sebagai catatan Qatar telah menghadapi UAE dan Indonesia.

Jika Todd Rivaldo dan teman-temannya dapat menang dengan selisih gol melawan UEA, maka Indonesia akan lolos sebagai runner-up setelah Qatar. Tiga tim akan memiliki selisih gol yang sama, yaitu 0, tetapi Uni Emirat Arab akan dieliminasi karena mereka memiliki catatan gol paling sedikit.

Indonesia sendiri masih memiliki peluang untuk lolos sebagai juara grup. Persyaratannya, Indonesia harus menang dengan mencetak setidaknya tiga gol atau lebih. Jika itu terjadi, Indonesia akan memiliki total skor yang lebih baik dari Qatar yang akan menyelesaikan runner-up.

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