Arsene Wenger (the most successful Arsenal manager in the club’s history) signs new 2 year deal… Arsenal fans go APESHIT!

in #football7 years ago (edited)

Past sell-by date


Living in London, I know a lot of Arsenal fans… quite frankly, too many.

If there is one thing the majority wanted this month, even more than winning the FA Cup, it was for Arsene Wenger to get the boot.

Despite winning 16 trophies in 21 years, being the most successful manager in Arsenal’s history and winning the FA Cup this term, many fans believe Wenger has overstayed his welcome.

Arsenal haven’t won the league in 13 years and look further away than ever.

Wenger is feeling the brunt of that failure.

Having spent several seasons as perennial fourth place finishers, this term Arsenal failed to do even that. They finished fifth, losing out to Liverpool in the race for the final Champions League berth. A lot of fans feel the club lacks the ambition they deserve and that Wenger no longer has what it takes to compete at the highest level of the game.



For the last few months, Wenger has fanned the uncertainty around his future by not giving any indication of whether he intended to stay at Arsenal or go at the end of the season. Many fans had given their verdict, with planes being chartered to fly over stadiums displaying ‘Wenger out’ messages during games.


Having been left in limbo for so long, the news is finally out. It’s “Wenger in.” The Arsenal twitterati have already started getting their claws into the news of Wenger’s deal,




Crocodile tears


One outlet that will be secretly smiling at Wenger’s re-signing is Arsenal Fan TV.

The YouTube channel has become essential viewing for all football fans that enjoy a spot of schadenfreude. There is nothing better than waiting for a notification from the channel after an Arsenal loss. Arsenal fans are jumping over themselves to vent their spleen in front of the TV.

Arsenal Fan TV are virtually guaranteed great numbers over the next two years’ should Arsenal continue the trajectory of the last few years.

Better to be right, than happy?


My verdict?

There comes a point in many relationships where you’d rather be right than happy, and when that happens it’s time to part ways. I think many Arsenal fans want Wenger out regardless. The thought of Wenger rediscovering his Midas touch would prove unpalatable to many. It would have meant they spent years being wrong.

The truth is Arsenal are no longer the force they were in English football. Financially they simply cannot compete with the Manchester clubs and Chelsea. However they still think “they have the most beautiful wife at home.” Their crown jewels, Alexis Sanchez and Mesut Ozil were surplus to requirements (at Barcelona and Real Madrid respectively) when joined Arsenal. Chelsea and Man City can afford to spend £20-30million on player that don’t pan out, sell them at a loss and keep buying until they find the right fit. Arsenal don’t have that luxury.

It’s easy to look and think a manager that is successful elsewhere will be bring success. It’s rarely that simple.

Gimme that popcorn!


Anyway, I don’t want to get too deep… today is a day of celebration, for the rest of the league at least! Things are bound to be eventful at The Emirates over the next couple of seasons.

I, for one, am going to sit back with my popcorn and watch things play out on Arsenal Fan TV.


My uncle has season tickets and I have been to games numerous times over the last ten years. Did I think 5 years ago a change would have been made by now? Absolutely! He seemed to have lost the fans and the team, a long time ago.

If this was NHL or NBA, Wenger would have been gone. That said, the club is in a very strong position.

Off season priority is to sign Sanchez and Ozil, both of which I cannot see staying past next season, if that. They are both at the age where they want to win trophies (not the FA Cup) and have top line teams chomping at the bit to buy them.

Wenger has one year left in my opinion, despite the two year deal. Next season is war chest time. Buy some key position players who are tough, skilled and possess leadership qualities. He must fix the cracks and bring home the EPL title and or Europa League (Champions League Qualification a must)

Failure to do this by continuing to be inconsistent... Goodbye Arsene and thank you for the memories.

Nice article.
For all the Wenger hate out there, I feel I need to mention that really, in terms of points, Arsenal has performed just about the same as they have done for all of the last seasons. Apperently, it is the first time a team earns this many points without qualifying for the Champions League.
Despite this, I think it might be difficult to get the top players for next season to boost the squad. The Arsenal board is saying they will invest heavily this summer. However, I think someone like Mbappe or Donnarumma or more likely to choose teams like Real, Barca, Man.Utd.
Maybe that's the real problem. Arsenal is sadly starting to look like a tier 2 club at the moment. I still think Wenger might be able to turn things around though.

I think at this point the guy has become a relic for most people. Major clubs always aspire to hero figures and Wenger was surely one (for better or worse).

One the other end of the spectrum small teams like the ones in Cyprus change coaches 2 times a year. Most of the time for stupid reasons eg. just to calm the fans.

It's funny Nanzo, I was going to do a post on this, but I was too angry...

The thought of Wenger rediscovering his Midas touch would prove unpalatable to many. It would have meant they spent years being wrong.

I don't think this is the case; I'd love to be proved wrong about Wenger, but the fact is he is an unchanging rock. So the only way I will be proved wrong, is if everyone else rolls back to the late 90s way of playing, and I can't see that happening.

Financially they simply cannot compete with the Manchester clubs and

Hmm, according to Deloitte we're the 6th richest club in the world; we have the most expensive season ticket and a fair sized stadium, so, don't believe the hype! We have money and we can spend, we just DON'T WANT TO!

However they still think “they have the most beautiful wife at home.”

Nice reference :-) I wonder how many will get it.

Great stuff as always Nanzo!


We have money and we can spend, we just DON'T WANT TO!

I think the Arsenal hierarchy are trying to run Arsenal like a business. They can't compete with the likes of Chelsea and Man City whose owners run those clubs like a plaything!

Yup, everything started to turn South when Kroenke took over, we were far more successful at Highbury. It was that scumbag Peter Hill-Wood who sold us Kroenke, Usmanov wanted to spend big. However he is still there waiting in the wings, so there is hope.


As an Arsenal fan we can only expect more of the same mediocrity for the next 2 years!!!

We were sold a dream when we moved to the Emirates and in reality we are now miles away from competing in the premier league and champions league.

Forget AFC we are a PLC


Great news for Arsenal's rivals.

It is probably one of the strangest decisions by a football club ever! As a United fan, I do find it quite funny!

Are those planes real? Did people really pay to fly that message? Wow. They must really want him gone. I have seen billboards in the U.S. about managers or players but it is pretty rare.

Yeah, they are. It started with one saying Wenger Out or something like that. Then later someone paid for one that said Wenger In, arguably by rival fans. Afterwards it sort of became a meme happening every now and again throughout the season.

Yup, they're real alright


Arsenal finished 5th in Premier League. Bad result. He should go. Period.

the fans are more obsessed than the players themselves! I'll join you with the popcorn!

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