Could this be the one?

in #football6 years ago (edited)

When the World Cup started I wasn’t that interested, from a footballing perspective emotionally drained from a long and exciting season following Liverpool. One that included an early Champions League qualifying round which set the tone for how that particular competition was going to pan out. When the dust settled after the rough ending to a mesmerising campaign, there was nothing left in the tank, no desire to watch football, and the talk and build up to Fifa’s football festival largely passed me by.

As it started I mustered a little interest and when it came to England’s turn I was rested enough to appreciate the spectacle. A few small bets increased my interest, and finally I enjoyed seeing England do the best they could with the circumstances presented to them. When they went out I didn’t watch any more games, my interest died instantly and there was no emotion. I was happy to finally enjoy some football-free time and get on with the baking-hot English summer.

It’s to LFC’s credit then that they managed to carry out just the right transfer activity to get me interested in the domestic game again. Having softened the blow immediately after the soul-destroying Champions League final by forking out £40m for a defensive-but-versatile midfielder, LFC had given fans hope that rather than being the end of something, as glorious failure has so often been for the last decade, it was actually the start of something. A reason to look forward to next season rather than dwell on this painful loss. Substantial financial backing to the words Jurgen Klopp had used to rally his troops straight after the loss. The Nabil Fakir ‘signing’ initially heightened those feelings further, however the last minute collapse of the deal left supporters in a confused state, which luckily for FSG was brushed under the World Cup carpet.

When rumours about the Roma keeper Alisson coming to Liverpool increased after Brazil’s exit, LFC fans across the globe found themselves scrolling one more time through their news feeds. It is a pattern that Liverpool fans are hoping might become a permanent state. Liverpool confirmed the rumours and smashed the then world record for a goalkeeper, at the same time addressing another team-weakness. Unlike in previous summer transfer windows where we’ve ignored glaring gaps that all fans can see, it’s like a genie has come and made all of our football dreams come true.

With Liverpool fans doing a little jig of happiness, what next?

Another World Cup exit had seen another rumour subsequently come to fruition, Xherdan Shaqiri was snapped up for what could be a bargain £13m judging by the pre-season overhead kick wonder goal he scored against Man Utd. A surprise signing that strengthens the squad and provides further cover for the three amigos up front, and something different to what Sturridge might bring.

And so a theme was set, positive momentum created, and the pre-season followed in the same vein. Liverpool are getting their decision making and timing just right, and it’s making the fans bubble with excitement for the season ahead. The organisation of the club and the plans in place are finally bearing fruit. As the friendlies have come and gone, the results and more importantly performances are not dampening down the excitement across Liverpool’s fanbase.

The pre-season programme Liverpool had in place is proving wise and a testimony to what good organisation delivers. Local games against lower league opposition to ease the squad and management into pre-season while supporting those clubs with the guarantee of a good turn out. Poor results can be turned to one’s advantage, a 0-0 draw against a League Two side irrelevant as long as the process is doing what it should.

"We could have scored five or six times with a little bit more in the last," said Jurgen Klopp. "But these were the good moments and the rest was really a lot of intensity in the body, with all the tired bones and stuff like this.”
So after a victory against Blackburn, it’s off to the US to spread the LFC love and crank up the preparation. What looked like it could become a decent victory against Dortmund somehow ended up a 3-1 defeat, but the performance was solid, the half time changes unsettled things a little and Dortmund took advantage, their victory made easier by a penalty and a giveaway third goal (Karius…). Those fans watching were not worried by the scoreline. And so it proved to be a non-issue when games against Man City and Man Utd saw Liverpool walk away with victories.

One benefit of pre-season is the opportunity to see which youngsters might make the step up to Melwood. Which ones could bolster the squad, which ones could do with a loan to add experience to their potential and see if the talent within emerges. Klopp has embraced the UK way of loaning out youngsters, and the club policy means prospects he fancies sign new contracts before going, to secure the confidence in them (and ensure they get a decent fee if they don’t end up coming back).

So Liverpool approach what I think will be a milestone season for the club with an almost perfect transfer window and pre-season. The players, manager, fans and owners are all pulling in the same direction, know what is possible, know what the obstacles are, and will think of them as part of the challenge to thrive on. Our attack is on the brink of becoming legendary and has decent cover this year through a returned to form (and fitness?) Sturridge as well as Shaqiri. Our defence is solid with Van Dijk in it, alongside full backs Robertson and Alexander-Arnold who defend excellently and provide a threat from the wings when we are in possession. We also have a returning Lallana to add to Keita, Fabinho, Milner, Wijnaldum and Henderson. Jurgen Klopp has options, lots of them, and the talk quite rightly has turned now to who will be starting for the opener against West Ham.

This is a squad that could achieve something this year. Not many people are keen to say this out loud, but I honestly believe that this will be the season when Liverpool finally get the monkey off their back and win the Premier League.


I know people would think that, but I just really believe it! I'm just about to post a few thoughts from yesterday and remain confident after our first game.

Great post @happyaslarry, good to see you on here again. It should certainly be an interesting season... if I weren't for City being so strong I would agree that Liverpool had a great chance to win the title. As it is I think they are an outside possibility. I don't want to see any team dominate but I fear City might as long as Pep hangs around.

That being said nobody predicted a certain Leicester winning the title and Liverpool are nowhere near 5000/1 shots!

Good luck and enjoy the ride!

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