in #foodphotography6 years ago


Eucalyptus is an evergreen and fragrant tree of which there are several hundred species. It is recognized for its medicinal properties, especially for treating respiratory disorders. It is used as an infusion, tincture, capsule, syrup or essential oil distilled from leaves and sometimes twigs.

In combination with other essential oils, eucalyptus oil is particularly beneficial as an adjunct to spring allergy symptoms . Diffused in the house, it instantly brings a feeling of well-being and an impression of purity.

The main varieties of eucalyptus used in aromatherapy

Eucalyptus globulus

Refreshing and disinfecting, but with a strong smell, it is recommended to fight against winter conditions because it clears the airways (inhalations, massages in a vegetable oil). Be careful though, it can cause irritation reactions in people with respiratory allergies and asthmatics. This essential oil can also be used in diffusion or for the maintenance of the house.

Eucalyptus radish (eucalyptus radiata)

A good smell of eucalyptus, fresh, invigorating and invigorating to clear the airways. It is used in diffusion or massage in a vegetable oil. It is better for allergies than the globulus. Personally, I use it a lot for home maintenance and as an add-on treatment for seasonal allergies.

Lemon Eucalyptus (eucalyptus citriodora)

It has a fragrance that is similar to that of lemongrass, but more subtle. It is soothing and soothing. Ideal massage in vegetable oil to calm muscle pain, tendinitis and injuries of athletes. I use it in diffusion and for the maintenance of the house because I like its relaxing and fresh smell. It also acts as an anti-mosquito repellent.

Menthol eucalyptus (eucalyptus dives piperitoniferum)

Because of its ketone content (neurotoxic risk), it is reserved for adults and children over 6 years. It is used in adjunctive treatments for disorders of the ENT sphere sparingly. Its smell is fresh and tonic. It can also be broadcast in the air.

You will find these essential oils on the site of the Hevea laboratory .

After this short overview of the species of eucalyptus commonly offered for sale in the form of essential oil, let us now see some of the possible uses of this species.

Body care

Calming pruritus of the scalp (radiata, globulus)

To use last rinse after the shampoo.

4 tablespoons of cider vinegar
30 drops of eucalyptus essential oil
1 liter of lukewarm water 

For the disinfection of hands (radiata, globulus, citriodora)

You can add a few drops in a washing base or a hand sanitizer soap . A few drops of eucalyptus essential oil mixed with Epsom salt or gray salt will remove dirt from the hands of gardeners or do-it-yourselfers while disinfecting them.

Treat nasal congestion (radiata, globulus)

For immediate effect, pour very hot water into an inhaler or large bowl, add 5 to 6 drops of eucalyptus essence and breathe the vapors for about 10 minutes.

In the evening, you can apply a soothing homemade balm made from different essential oils, including eucalyptus.

In preventive, it is also possible to diffuse the essential oil by means of an electric diffuser, in this case it is necessary to conform to the instructions of the manufacturer.

Those who make their own cosmetics and care products can make a nasal stick with eucalyptus essential oil (see websites that offer supplies for DIY). These sticks are unfortunately plastic (precision for those who want to avoid this component).

To repel mosquitoes (citriodora)

Spray spray on oneself (or on clothing for people with sensitive skin)

10 drops of lavender essential oil
20 drops of lemon eucalyptus essential oil
150 ml of witch hazel water
50 ml of 90 ° alcohol or 40 ° vodka 

Shake the bottle before each use.

To purify the breath (radiation)

Pour 1 drop of eucalyptus essential oil directly onto the toothbrush.

If you make your toothpaste, you can add 1 drop of eucalyptus and 1 peppermint essential oil.

Against aches and joint pains (citriodora)

In massage

1 tablespoon of vegetable oil (sweet almond, jojoba)
7 to 8 drops of eucalyptus essential oil 

In the bath

A dozen drops mixed in a tablespoon of shampoo or shower gel and poured into the bath water. One can also use a dispersant (surfactant) that is found on ingredient sites for homemade cosmetics.

Maintenance of the house in natural

Purify and deodorize the ambient air (radiata, globulus, citriodora, menthol)

Fill a spray bottle with 90 ° alcohol and add a dozen drops of eucalyptus essential oil. Spray in the rooms to be cleaned (rooms, bathroom, toilets ...).

We can also use an electric diffuser, but in this case, we must follow the instructions of the manufacturer regarding the amount of essential oils to diffuse.

Another solution is to pour a few drops of eucalyptus essential oil on the external filter of the vacuum cleaner to diffuse the refreshing essence, I do it regularly.

Deodorize the dressing room and cupboards (radiata, globulus, citriodora, mint)

A few drops of essential oil on a pebble or porous stone placed on a shelf will slowly diffuse into the atmosphere. You can also add other essential oils such as tea-tree or lemon to have a more effective synergy.

Spraying alcohol mixed with eucalyptus essential oil is also very convenient but volatilises more quickly.

Disinfect floors and deodorize rooms (radiata, globulus, citriodora, menthol)

To disinfect a room and leave a fresh smell, fill a three-quarter bucket with warm water. Add half a glass of white vinegar, three to four drops of eco-friendly dishwashing liquid (to degrease), or a little eco-friendly multipurpose cleaner and a dozen drops of eucalyptus essential oil.

Laundry service

In homemade laundry or softener (radiata, globulus)

If, like me, you make your eco-friendly laundry and fabric softener, you can add a little eucalyptus essential oil to give the laundry a fresh smell. Personally, I do it only in winter when the laundry dries inside. In the summer, my clothes dry out and the essential oils are volatile, their smell does not hold. In addition, the smell of air-dried laundry is self-sufficient.

In the ironing water for laundry (radiata, globulus)

In a spray bottle, pour distilled water, add a little alcohol at 90 ° (or vodka at 40 °) and a few drops of eucalyptus essential oil (see recipe at the bottom of the paragraph). Spray on the linen during ironing. I do not particularly like ironing, it makes the job more enjoyable.

Despite their name, essential oils do not leave greasy traces if they are used in small quantities. Because of their coloring, some oils are not suitable to be sprayed on the laundry, such as orange or mandarin for example. I mainly use lavender, eucalyptus or ravintsara.

It is not recommended to pour essential oils directly into the iron, they are not soluble in water and could damage the device.

Water recipe for laundry (to be used only in spray)

90 ml of alcohol at 90 ° or in the absence of vodka at 40 °
12 to 15 drops of eucalyptus essential oil
350 ml of demineralised water 

Pour the alcohol into the vaporizer, add the essential oils and shake the whole thing.
Add the water.

Shake the vaporizer before each use.

To deodorize sports shoes (radiata, globulus)

Pour baking soda (or diatomaceous earth) into a small bowl, add a few drops of eucalyptus essential oil and mix. Sprinkle the product inside the sneakers and leave overnight. The next day, empty the bicarbonate. Keep it to clean your sanitary for example, Diatomaceous earth for its part, can serve as ecological insecticide.

Essential oils are concentrated and very powerful compounds, they must be used with care. Some people may develop reactions when using them. Essential oils are strongly discouraged for pregnant women and young children. Allergies should be vigilant because some essential oils can be irritating and aggravate the allergy. 

Cultivation of eucalyptus

In our latitudes, we can grow eucalyptus in the ground in a large garden. It is a fast growing tree that can reach between 15 and 20 meters in height depending on the variety, but there are smaller specimens. In his home country, Australia, he can go up to thirty meters or more.

According to my nursery, the eucalyptus is easy to maintain and resists well up to -10 °, if the temperatures go down lower, it will mulch it to protect it. All eucalyptus varieties can be grown in pots. In this case, the high variety will of course never reach the size of a tree planted in the garden. Eucalyptus is very greedy in water and requires good fertilization if grown in pots. It will also cut to keep a homogeneous appearance.

Eucalyptus cultivation indoors is also possible, but as it needs sunshine, it should be taken out as soon as possible.

Eucalyptus leaves should not be used for mulching or compost as they acidify the environment (such as conifers) and are toxic to other plants.

Source of the Flickr Botanical Plank

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I always wondered if there is any way, shape or form in which Eucalyptus can be eaten and proofs beneficial for the body.

Got any info on that?

Aside from that, great post. I am not one who is good at growing thing, but I like the idea of having Eucalyptus in my surroundings.

No more infos.. sorry

You are forgiven. Going to look it up myself then.

Wow @marystone, wonderful post and excellent content. I love the eucalyptus

Thanks! Following you ;)

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