📸 Foodphotography - Es para ti? No, es paella.steemCreated with Sketch.

Behind that very bad pun is a question which bothers me since I live in Spain: at which point does an "arroz" (rice in Spanish) becomes a Paella? Because Spanish people eat a lot of arroz. Not all "arroz" are paella, but there is no paella without "arroz"... So, is it when you add the vegetables? the meat? the way you do it? That question is quite tricky and you can hear a lot of interpretation. But anyway, here is my submission of the day for @juliank contest.

Be sure to click on the image to view full screen!

It was taken last year in front of a restaurant of the Realejo neigbourhood which organized that publicity stunt during a special day. And here below you can see the finished product before it was consumed by me :)

CameraOneplus One
LocationGranada, Spain


Aaaand now I´m hungry ;)

It's a good illness, as my mother says :)

Hahaha, well, food always gets my upvote :D

It seems so delicious :)

jajaja el tipico chiste español. tu post me recordo a "la peor paella del mundo" te dejo el link mas abajo. entiendo que eres español al ser de granada, "andalusia" :p un abrazo desde madrid

jajaja que esta haciendo este tío ??!??!? XD gracias por eso!
no, no soy español pero llevo años en Granada ya

Eres de verdad de Granada?

Soy Francès y vivo en Granada

Pues yo vivia mas de 10 años en Granada, pero ahora vivo en Francia

Mmmm paella!!! Like the title!!! :)) Es para ti? No, es pa(ra)ella. :))

Hahaha I think you are one of the few to have understood it ;)

I see the pictures and I get hungry haha!!!!

Mission accomplished!

wow in the first picture - giant pan! aaand I realized: I never ate paella ... looks yum :-D

Never?!? Well, next time in Spain, you know what to order :)

Kelihatannya enak masakan Spanyol

Looks spicy. Nah...not for me.
I ll stick to traditional souvlaki.
Btw exceptional photos. Upvoted. And resteemed

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