Peanut Butter Cookies - Food Fight Friday

in #foodfightfriday6 years ago (edited)


It feels good to be back in the kitchen! :stretch: It’s a brand new week and that means last week’s kitchen restrictions are history. :crack knuckles: :stretch again: History as in null and void, kaput, erased, gone with the wind, obsolete, adios, deuces, buh-bye! Return of the welding gloves too - Yup! But remember last week when I said “I won’t be caking and bookies or baking any cookies?” Well...

Since last Friday, I faked off an entire fake weekend by faking bets with fake bookies and I put all of my fake money on the Fake National League. I mean National Fake League. Wait, not Fake league, that isn’t it. Foosball League, National Foosball? Frisbee?! No, that’s not it either. National Foolish League maybe? It’s a money-makin F, that’s for sure! An F machine... National Friendship F league? Ahh what’s the F?! National F-something league. You know what the F is right? F, ya? F right in the middle of NFL, that’s where the F it goes.

As for these cookies - Oooh weeee!! No F’s in these bite-size bits 0’ heaven! None of that F in these Peanut Butter Cookies - Nope!
Happy Food Fight Friday ya’all!

Those of you following the #fff kitchenantics (it’s a word) and the @foodfightfriday crowd have probably noticed a consistency/pattern with my kitchenantics (it’s a word). Raise your hand if you can tell me me what consistency/pattern I’m referring to:

Sam, you’re first to raise your hand, do you know the answer?

Sam Wiches

Sam! I really appreciate that but I’m sorry, that isn’t the answer I’m looking for this time.
Lyza, you were next, do you know the correct pattern?

Lyza Boutnothing

Lyza, I appreciate your honesty! But I’m sorry, that isn’t the response I’m looking for this time.
Yes, Onion? Do you know what pattern I’m talking about?

Emily “Onion” Bukks

Ooh! That sure is nice of you Onion but that’s not the correct response this time.
Brock? Do you know what consistency/pattern I’m looking for?

Brock Lee

Brock, we really need to work on your spelling! Thank you but no, I’m sorry, that’s not the answer I’m looking for this time.
I see your hand up, Anita. What consistency am I looking for?

Anita Plant

Oooh! Better. Great guess Anita, you’re correct but that’s not what I’m looking for this time.
Chris? You’ve been waiting patiently with your hand raised, go ahead:

Chris P. Bayken

Even closer Chris, great answer! We’re really warm now everybody.
Ginger, I didn’t forget about you, I see you holding your hand up. What’s your guess?

Ginger Raylee

Ding! Ding! Ding!


Peanut Butter.
Brown Sugar.
Almond Milk.
The F in Flour.
Baking Soda.
Vanilla Extract.
Chocolate Chips.


Round 1 - Ding!

Together in a bowl, mix:

1 Cup brown sugar.

1 Cup peanut butter. Peanut butter that actually has a shelf life. Peanut butter that requires refrigeration, I mean, sure, it comes from peanuts but it’s still ‘butter.’ I wouldn’t recommend ever using a ‘butter’ that survives in a dark cupboard like mold. That’s just weird.

1/4 Cup almond milk. Not that other stuff they just introduced during the agricultural poisonution a few generations back.

1 tsp. Vanilla extract.

Slowly add 1 tsp. Baking soda and 1 Cup flour.


Round 2 - Ding!

Preheat oven to 375 degrees.

Add a bunch of chocolate chips to your cookie dough and mix them in real good. You can add whatever you want; macadamia, walnuts, almonds, etc. :treasure hunt: Find a bag that doesn’t say “may contain milk,” it’s a lot of fun! It’s a private, self monitored treasure hunt with each trip to the market. What do they mean by “may” anyway? “May contain milk?” In my opinion, they should be held at a higher level and should be 100% certain of their products composition.

Scoop ‘donut hole size’ cookie dough out of your bowl with a spoon and roll it into a ball.

Place your balls on your easy to clean cookie sheet (foil and oil) and roll up as many balls as you can fit on it.

Use a fork to flatten your balls.
(Maybe I should call the balls something else? “Your balls” doesn’t seem right. Rolls, maybe? Rolled balls, is that better? Cookie balls?)

dry run “Place your rolled cookie balls on your...” (never mind, forget it)

Put your fork flattened balls in the 375 degree oven somewhere between 8 and 13 minutes depending on your softy, melty, guey, deliciousy, chocolatey, yummy peanut buttery preferencey preference.





Round 3 - Ding!

Remove and devour!


Peanut Butter Cookies - Food Fight Friday

Show off your skills next week! If it’s food-related, it flies, that’s how #fff works. Reach out to @foodfightfriday, you might even win some SBD. Have a great the best weekend!


Click Here if you missed Wednesday:

Click Here if you missed Monday:


You have no idea how happy I am to hear that you eat f-f-fish
He he he Fishy
Those are some pretty tasty lookin Sweet treats you got there.
The question is, do you prefer a little crunch to your cookie or do you gotta have the s-s-softness??

I’m equally a huge fan of both! “Guilty.” That goes for my dentist, too, he doesn’t mind if I eat soft or crunchy so long as he’s on payroll.

Oh ya bro, the ocean is just beginning it’s contamination, I’m not too worried about the food in there just yet.

Thanks a lot for having me @foodfightfriday!

Soft Snicker-Doodle cookies are like my Kryptonite

Oooh these look so yum and easy! I think even I could whip up a batch? Maybe? Ha!
I've been trying to implement more plant based meals into my diet and these cookies seem like they might work for me.
Good one!

Well hello there! Actually, we just went to an entire plant base around the end of last year, I had already stopped eating meat with the exception of fish quite awhile prior. So it wasn’t too difficult to attempt it and if there’s any ONE thing I would like people to believe it’s: My injured joints don’t hurt as bad since altering my eating habits to a stricter ‘natural’ food.

Thanks a lot for stopping by @lizzyib, happy Friday! Looking forward to your kitchenantics today.

Im getting fat reading this 😅. Thats alot of Fs haha. Ill take some of that fake stuff 😜. Bookies are great! I mean Cookies look Amazing 😋

Laugh out loud. I don’t know where these thumbs come up with this material man?? I just let’em fly, literally.

Thanks a lot @weirdheaches. And thanks a lot for the Serrapeptase tip! Happy Friday to you and yours.

Thumb flying 😎⛵

they are yummy... :)

Oh you know they are. Good luck eating just one! Good morning from Los Angeles!

Thanks a lot for dropping a line @greenleaves.

yes i know!
good morning <3

So flippin funny dude. I see you found a fantastically fun way to finally use a fabulous number of f's in this #foodfightfriday. It's fenominal! 👍

Oh awesome! I’m glad you like it man. So far so good with these #fff food fights. I don’t consider itself a conspiracy theorist but I notice myself quite often trying to explain to my fiends the latest ‘craziness I discovered....’ Ha! This food fight doesn’t allow for any of that, just be funny and have a good time.

Plant based or not plant based, I do like peanut butter cookies. I also like Almond milk and to some extent peanut butter on its own. Maybe half a spoon if eaten separately.

Add anything else to it, and it just keeps get better. I know I don't have enough peanut butter cookies in my life. :)

I’m not entirely plant base because I’m a fan of the abundance of food still available in our oceans - oh man am I ever.. crab, tuna, scallops, and.. and... My wife, however, she’s 100% plant base. It works for us but I’m also very well aware we are all very individualistic when it comes to our eating preferences.

Thanks a lot for stopping by @glenalbrethsen and thanks for dropping a line. I’ve come to look forward to our @foodfightfriday conversations. 👍🏿

I think there's a lot to be said for going to a more vegetarian or vegan eating regimen. As tasty as meat and other animal derived foods can be, they do bring their health issues, too. That's not to say, though, that strictly eating plants is going to always be the answer. If there is, it's more than just eating fruits and vegetables. There's generally some sort of a balance that needs to be struck either way, where excess of anything is avoided, and the right combinations of nutrients are consumed.

I would probably add lobster, shrimp/prawns to your list of favorite seafood. Clams, oysters. Salmon, too, and some freshwater fish, though I'm not a fan of all of it. It's tough to go wrong with any of those, really.

You're right though. We all really should eat things to our own specific preferences and needs. Life would be miserable if we didn't. :)

Man great creative sweet post brah 👌✌👍🤜

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