Korean Food #2 - Grilled Pork Belly BBQ

in #food8 years ago (edited)

What's up Steemians!

Today my family and I dined out in a BBQ restaurant to have Grilled pork belly BBQ, the most popular Korean BBQ dish.
We call it 'Samgyeopsal', which means 'Three Layered Pork'. White fat layer after red flesh layer turn by turn looks like 3 layers.

Why is this popular?
In my opinion, perfect proportion of fat and flesh combination makes it soft and juicy, that's why!

If you visit Korea, you should definitely try Grilled Pork Belly BBQ.
There are some secret to enjoy its maximum flavour.
In fact every Korean people know this.
Lucky for you, it will be leaked in this posting. :-)

The restaurant was so crowded. I was able to see it absorbing customers around that area.
On that street, just only this shop was crowded while others were empty.
There was a long queue, number tickets were distributed to waiting customers.
Even though I arrived there quite early I got 3rd ticket.
I have been wondering every time passing by I was thinking,

'Why are those people willing to wait on the line? Is it so nice?'

So today was the day for me.

Once you get in, you will be guided to a BBQ table. It's gas fire under the grill.


This is my boy. He is 32 month old. This is his first time to come to BBQ restaurant, so it seems he was a bit surprised by the appearance of iron grill.


The meat was thick and looked like fresh & high quality.

What is in the middle of the grill is Doenjang Soup(Fermented Bean Paste Soup).
Beside, garlic(especially more delicious when grilled together) and veggies.


Spicy-sour spring onion salad, cabbage salad.


It will be wrapped by this lettuce. Here we go.


Light on and meat on.


I would never eat Grilled pork belly BBQ without Soju. So do most of adults in Korea.
It should not be beer. If you have grilled pork with beer, you're violating the rule. Seriously it will ruin the flavour.
My wife and I had a little bit of argument recently. I suggested a cheers to bring reconciliation between us.


Bottom side is almost cooked.


Looking at its thickness, I guess inside is not yet.


So I cut using scissors.


With rice of course, as it is Korean's staple food.


Both side well done.


The meat is well mixed with fat. So soft and juicy.


Now prepare the lettuce.


Put pork, garlic, spring onion, cabbage, Ssamjang sauce on the lettuce.

Dunk in to your mouth directly.

Was not enough, I've ordered more. Round shaped pieces at the front are pork neck, behind are pork belly.

Continue on grill

Bird eye view

Almost done

Completely finished up. Why so clean? I will tell you in the end.

Inside view of the restaurant. Orange shirts guys is the owner.

Side dish veggies were 'All You Can Eat'. Help yourself.

Meat provided infinitely as long as you can finish up.
This is quite popular marketting strategy, but it is rare to serve high quality meat.

SIDE MENU (meaning you have to pay extra for these)
Cold Noodle - 5000 WON ($4.5)
A dish of mushroom - 2000 WON ($1.8)
Steamed Egg - 2000 WON ($1.8)
Rice - 1000 WON ($0.9)
Soju - 4000 WON ($3.6)

Session limitation is 2 hours.
If you can't finish up, they charge 3000 WON fine. (Not very strict though). Meaning let's not generate food waste.
In Korea it is not polite if you don't finish your dish.


  • 2 adults, 1 baby(under 5 yo free)
  • 2 adults: 10000 WON ($9) each
  • Steamed Egg: 2000 WON ($1.8)
  • Soju: 4000 WON ($3.6)
  • Rice: 1000 WON ($0.9)
  • Beverage(can): 1000 WON ($0.9)
  • Beverage(pet): 2000 WON ($1.8)

Total 30000 WON ($27)

This is such a reasonable cost for 2 people to have BBQ and drinks.
The vibe was delightful. Happy noise of laughing and talking, mostly group of family including little kids.

All you can eat restaurants are everywhere.
Most of them use bad quality ingredients. Of course, for their profit.
Nowadays I can find good quality of it. Means the industry is more competitive now.
Baby boomers are retired then start restaurant business, the competition is getting more tough.
News media is saying everyday closing down small restaurants business as such are way too many.
In this circumstance restaurants have to lower the price while keeping thier quality, just to survive.
In the end, the remaining survivors might be real good ones.
I think this restaurant I went today can definitely survive, looking at the waiting people on the long queue.

When you visit Korea, Grilled pork belly is a MUST.
It is important to pick the restaurant that serves good quality meat. And don't forget Soju.
Not necessarililly in all you can eat restaurant though.

See you next time.


The Pictures Are Really Jiven!
I like Pork Made Like This
Thanks For Contributing!
I have some New Dishes To Create Now With Pork!

thank you! looking forward to it

looks delicious

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