Weight-Loss Recipe: Carrot & Onion Omelette served with Purple Coleslaw in Avocado Dressing (Vegetarian) - Original Recipe

in #food7 years ago

Now that summer is approaching many of us will be ditching the woolly jumpers and slimming the winter waists... But it's always easier in resolve than practice!  When I'm full-on determined to lose weight I can be disciplined enough to forgo the sweet treats, but cutting down portion size at dinnertime is something that's not so easy.  I'm a very active person throughout the day, and so by dinner time I'm really hungry, and need more than a few lettuce leaves damnit!  

This is why I try to cook simple healthy meals consisting mainly of plants, flavoured tasty with herbs and spices, and protein bulked out with extra veg, in this case a two-egg omelette bulked out with 3 grated carrots and onion.  Carrots are excellent for weight-loss as they contain very few calories yet help to fill your belly.  I also try to fill up on raw veg, so homemade coleslaw is a great way to make raw veg more exciting.  Of course I didn't want to use shop-bought mayonnaise for the slaw, and I couldn't muster the motivation to make homemade mayo, so instead I experimented making a mayonnaise-alternative using a blend of avocado, natural yoghurt and a few fresh flavours... and it worked super well!  I was so happy with this dressing, I am going to make it for all future coleslaw.  Not only is it delicious, but it's soooooo healthy.  What a lot of nutrition packed into one simple and easy meal.  That's the other important thing about a weight-loss diet: we have to be careful not to miss out on essential nutrition that our body needs, so meals like this are great as they can be varied endlessly.   And I enjoyed my big plateful so much I'm going to have exactly the same thing for dinner tomorrow!


1 ripe avocado

2 tbsp natural yoghurt

Squeeze of fresh lemon

1 tsp apple cider vinegar

Drizzle of honey

1/2 tsp salt

1/6 chunk red cabbage

2 red onions

1/2 small courgette

3 large carrots

1 large white onion

2 free-range eggs

1 tbsp parsley

1 tsp black pepper

1 tsp turmeric

1 tsp cumin

1 tsp paprika

1/2 tsp chilli flakes


In a large bowl puree the avocado and natural yoghurt together using a stick blender.  Stir in the lemon juice, apple cider vinegar, honey and salt.  It should be the consistency of mayonnaise.

Finely slice the red cabbage and courgette, and finely dice the red onions.  Add to the bowl and mix well.

Grate the carrots and dice the white onion, and mix together in a bowl.  Crack the eggs into the bowl and add the parsley and all the spices.  Mix thoroughly (I use my hand and really squeeze the mixture... it's effective and fun too!)

Melt a tbsp coconut oil in a large frying pan and spread the carrot mixture evenly into it.  Fry on low heat for a few minutes on each side, using a spatula to flip it over just like you would when cooking omelette.  Once crispy on both sides, fold in half and cut into triangles, and serve with the coleslaw.

For more healthy vegetarian, sugar-free, additive-free recipes for meals and snacks, please follow me!  

Many thanks.

For extra tips on health for you and your family, can also support me as Natural Health Mama at: https://www.facebook.com/naturalhealthmamma and https://naturalhealthmamablog.wordpress.com/

All photos in this post are my own original.


Looks amazing @woman-onthe-wing! I myself gotta get rid of a few pounds before the beach season, will give this recipe a try!

That's very kind, thank you :-)

Looking healthy and delicious!

Thank you Rebecca - simple and tasty! :-)

@woman-onthe-wing, absolutely healthy recipe. I love weight-loss recipe and will try it soon..thank you and looking forward to your more original recipe..

Thank you! I hope you enjoy it too :-)

Good timing for a weight-loss concept! :-)
We furthermore enjoyed the colorful presentation.
Upvoted and following.

Thanks so much @showroom! I already see a difference in my waistline after less than a month... it's working, hooray! :-)

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